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  • Motives for Entering Foreign Markets

    Motives for Entering Foreign Markets

    As a consequence of this Spanish economic recession, “Duros Club” noticed a decrease on sales and profits during the first two years but going international was the solution. Furthermore, other empirical studies over a number of years have pointed to a wide variety of reasons why companies initiate international

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  • Motor Trend Car Road Tests

    Motor Trend Car Road Tests

    - [pic 5] [pic 6] Summary of the table, plot and boxplot for MPG Vs CYL: - The highest of the mpg (miles per gallon) value levels the less cyl (number of cylinder) level that every car has. - The lower cylinder, the high miles per gallon. - 8

    Words: 1,559  •  Pages: 7
  • Ms Project - Management Gannt

    Ms Project - Management Gannt

    MS Project Tools and Solutions MS Project has a useful tool ‘Resource Levelling’. This tool can resolve the over allocation problems seen in the initial project plan. It will re-allocate resources so they are no-longer over-allocated. This can be implemented in different ways. - You can allow for work

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  • Msc - Malaysia Cybercenter Design Standards

    Msc - Malaysia Cybercenter Design Standards

    1.4 Service Availability – Performance Guarantees (Responsible Parties: Telcos, ISPs, Resellers) No. Performance Parameters Performance Standard Supporting Documents Compliance (Y/N) Remarks 1.4.1 Minimum service availability for all services per month 99.9 % Letter of Commitment / Publication Brochure or SLA MSPSB to advise 1.5 Service Restoration – Performance Guarantees

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  • Multi-Evaporator Refrigeration System with Variable Area Ratio Ejector

    Multi-Evaporator Refrigeration System with Variable Area Ratio Ejector

    Experimental study on a multi-evaporator refrigeration system with variable area ratio ejector Experimental set up The multi-evaporator refrigeration system (MERS) developed in the present study is schematically shown in Fig. 1. The main components of this test facility are: a BITZER 4cc-9.2 semi-hermetic type of inverter compressor, an air-cooled

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  • Multicomponent Separations in Wastewater

    Multicomponent Separations in Wastewater

    GAC, the concentration of adsorbate in liquid will decrease with time until equilibrium achieve, where net uptake of adsorbate is zero. During that process, adsorbate concentration on surface will increase to , which is achieved in the same time as . Due to more number of active sites on the

    Words: 11,082  •  Pages: 45
  • Multimedia Architects and Associates

    Multimedia Architects and Associates

    Access control is a term mainly used in both physical and information security fields. It is a selective restriction to access a resource or a place. To access means to consume, enter or even using a resource. Authorization is the permission given to access a resource. It is a

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  • Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

    Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

    a. a limit or reasonableness test b. error review c. a data validity test d. a logic sequence test 20. Obtaining an understanding of internal control over personnel and payroll does not include: a. Performing a preliminary review b. Documenting the System. c. Performing a transaction walkthrough. d. A

    Words: 1,793  •  Pages: 8
  • My Laptop

    My Laptop

    My laptop ========== My Laptop Writing technology have been shaping the way people live since the beginning of time. In the Stone Age, our ancestors used tablets to organize important thoughts, keep track of daily activities, and pass on their knowledge to future generations. Arguably, their method of writing was

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  • National Society of Professional Engineers

    National Society of Professional Engineers

    Sanitaria ========== Code of Ethics for Engineers (Summary) NATIONAL SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS Rules of practice for the professionals of engineering. Basically the engineering is a profession that has a direct vital impact in the quality of life for all the people and therefore the proportionate services by the engineers

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  • Necessity of Carrying out Hot Smoke Tests in Atrium with Examples

    Necessity of Carrying out Hot Smoke Tests in Atrium with Examples

    Air temperature criterion was watched as roof sprinkler was installed for suppression of fire. Sprinkler heads at some positions will be thermally lagged. The smoke temperature is estimated to be in the order of 55.[pic 5] The building information is listed as follows: Headroom >12m Geometrical Dimensions Irregular or

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  • Net-Neutrality: Concept, Stake Holders, Impacts, Benefits and Limitations

    Net-Neutrality: Concept, Stake Holders, Impacts, Benefits and Limitations

    The various stake holders have different interests in the performance of the Internet as well as the resulting quality of applications running on the net. The intense debate and arguments can be broadly summarised as follows, with respect to those in favour of Net Neutrality and those against. Arguments

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  • Network and Internet Security - Sony Hack

    Network and Internet Security - Sony Hack

    In best portraying precisely what framework hypothesis is, it can be characterized as a perplexing system of occasions, relations, results, responses, advances, procedures and individuals cooperating in hence inconspicuous and capricious ways. In contemplating the conduct and result of the connection procedure could help the administration at Sony Corporation

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  • Nintendo Case Study

    Nintendo Case Study

    In May of 2008 Microsoft had a slight edge over both Sony and Nintendo as its Xbox 360 was released several months earlier than the PS3 and Wii, reaching 10 million in US sales. However, when figures were released in June of 2008, the Wii had become the new

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  • Nokai Company Success

    Nokai Company Success

    Reasons for Company`s initial success In the 1990s and at the beginning of the new millennium, Nokia was the top dog in the mobile manufacturing industry having a whopping 40 percent of the total market share and no close competitors. The Finnish Company was considered the number one choice

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  • Ntc362: Analog and Digital Comparison Paper

    Ntc362: Analog and Digital Comparison Paper

    Modems are required at both ends of a connection for 56k. When downloads are performed on a 56k modem, they cannot contain any analog to digital conversions. There would be too much noise on the line to complete the transmission. The modulation process for a 56k modem consists of

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  • Online Bidding Management System Based on Web (chinese)

    Online Bidding Management System Based on Web (chinese)

    1.3国内外进展 1.3.1国外进展 在国外,以欧美国家为例,1993年9月,美国就提出了国家信息基础设施行动计划,掀起了全范围建设信息高速公路的热潮,欧美国家拥有电脑的家庭,企业众多,网民人数占总人口的2/3以上,随着电子商务的发展,许多知名的企业就开始了网上招投标系统,现如今,他们提供的招投标系统的项目也在逐年增多,不管你身处何处,只要你拥有一台电脑,成为网站注册用户,就可以登录网站发布招标信息和进行投标项目。如此方便快捷并且效率极高的体系,很容易被人们接受。因此,国外的许多专业的机构都认可了这种系统,并且在逐渐建立起一套完整的体系制度来完善这个系统。 1.3.2国内进展 在我国,当前电子商务的发展进入了密集的创新和快速的发展阶段,日益成为拉动我国消费需求,促进传统产业升级、发展现代服务业的重要引擎。近年来,在国家大力推进信息化和工业化融合的大环境下,我国服务行业、企业加快信息化建设步伐,不少企业纷纷进军电子商务,如邮政、旅游、保险、招投标等也都在已有的信息化的基础上,着力发展电子商务业务。 2009年,《中办的通知》和《国务院关于做好建设节约型社会近期重点工作通知》等文件通知均明文规定:“应逐步推行电子标书招投标”。电子招投标打造阳光采购、阳光交易。可以实现无纸化招投标,从而节约大量纸张和装订费用,真正做到了绿色低碳环保,而且其可以实现招投标的跨区域、低成本、高效率、更透明、现代化。 目前,国内一些地区和企业也对电子招投标有了不同程度的探索和开发利用,并且积累了一定的经验。四川省与2007年7月1日起采用了电子评标系统进行评标;2009年4月,国内首个建设工程远程评标系统在江苏苏州正式开通,并且于7月1日起在江苏省全省推行,2010年3月,北京市出台了《北京市建筑工程电子化招标实施细则(试行)》,规范了工程电子招投标活动;2010年8月宝钢国际委托的“网络设备及相关技术服务”项目顺利完成了网上招投标工作,该项目的实施标志着全国第一个网上全流程招投标项目的诞生。 1.4本文工作的主要内容 本文主要阐述的是在B/S工作模式下,利用SQL Server2008 和Visual Studio2010等开发工具来设计实现网上招投标系统。本系统总体上分为两个大的模块,首先进入的界面是普通用户的界面,在此界面上,用户可以实现招投标的管理,主要的功能为:用户注册、用户登录、发布招标信息、确认中标信息、修改个人信息、下载招标文件等;第二个大的模块是台管理员的界面,在管理员的界面中,可以实现的功能有:管理员的管理(添加和删除)、招标信息的管理、用户的管理、以及网站的维护等功能。 1.5相关技术介绍 1.5.1 ASP.NET平台介绍 2000年6月,微软发布了.NET,期望能够做到“让任何人从任何地方,在任何时候使用任何设备访问因特网上的服务”。这是一种在软件开发、工程和应用方面广泛地支持Internet和WEB的全新版本。微软的构想是:不在关注单个网、单个设备与Inter-net相连的互联网环境,而是要构建让所有的计算机群、相关设备和服务商协同工作的环境,即互联网提供的服务,要能够完成更高程度的自动化处理。 .NET框架是微软公司为开发应用程序创建的一个富有革命性的新的计算机平台。它包含了操作系统上软件开发的所有层,提供了任何平台上所曾见过的组件技术、呈现技术和数据技术最丰富的集成级别。.NET框架的体系结构包括五大部分:程序设计语言及公共语言规范;应用程序平台;ADO.NET及类库;公共语言运行时;程序开发环境。.NET框架下程序的编译过程: [pic 3] ASP.NET是一项微软公司的技术,是一种嵌入网页中的脚本可以由因特网服务器执行的服务器端脚本技术。ASP.NET使运行一些平常的任务如表单的提交客户端的身份验证、分布系统和网站配置变得非常简单。VisualStudio.NET是一套完整的开发工具集,用于生成ASP.NET WEB程序应用程序、XML WEB Service、桌面应用程序和移动应用程序。并提供了在设计、开发、调试和部署WEB应用程序和传统的客户端应用程序集时所需要的工具。 ASP.NET最基础的底层为网页,网页由System.Web.UI.Page 类来提供基础支持.使用代码后置的模式设置时,可以让ASP.NET运行时在加载网页时,有代码后置参数取得对应的类信息,以使用Reflection的方式开运行后置代码。ASP.NET的空间分为内置和外置两种,内置空间为HTML和用户控件。外置控件在使用之前需要将其添加到VS.NET环境中,然后就可以通过启动一个新项目来使用新的控件。ASP.NET中包含了五大常用的对象:(1)Application:用户包装HttpApplication 对象(2) Request:包装了 HttpRequest 对象(3) Response:包装了 HttpResponse 对象(4) Session:包装了 HttpSessionState 对象(5) Server:包装了 HttpServerUtility 对象。除上述这五大基本的空间外,ASP.NET还支持许多第三方的控件。ASP.NET提供了几个重要的优点: - 性能较强:ASP.NET是在服务器上运行的编译好的公共语言程序代码,可利用早期绑定、实时编译、本机优化等在编写代码之间提高了性能。 - 语言支持:ASP.NET开发的首选语言是C#及VB.NET,同时也支持多种语言的开发。 - 执行效率高:ASP.NET是把基于通用语言的程序在服务器IIS上运行。不像以前的ASP即时解释程序,而是将程序在服务器端首次运行时进行解释,这样的执行效果,会比一条一条的解释强很多。 - 自定义和宽展性:ASP.NET携带了一个设计周到的结构,使得开发人员可以在适当的级别插入代码。可以用自己编写的自定义组件扩展和替换。 - 安全性:借助内置的windows身份验证和基于每个应用程序的配置,可以保证应用程序的安全性。ASP.NET的授权方式有两种,一种是文件授权,一种是URL授权。 -

    Words: 625  •  Pages: 3
  • Online Classified Industry in Mobile

    Online Classified Industry in Mobile

    - Chat functionality in the app should provide a translate facility: As the platform would now be open to users speaking multiple languages, the chat feature of the app must be enhanced with translation capability. This is important to help users exchange information on the deals without getting restricted

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  • Online Library Management

    Online Library Management

    - After I found the document that I wanted, I click the first document (like the result from the image). Then the site will display all available documents with this name in Central Library and some information about it. [pic 12] [pic 13] [pic 14] [pic 15] - To

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  • Online Privacy Policies

    Online Privacy Policies

    The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulates and oversees business privacy laws and policies that impact consumers. Check out the following guides from more information on how you can ensure you are compliant. - Protecting Consumer Privacy – In general, your online and offline privacy policy is your company’s pledge

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  • Online Reservation System for Bankal Sports Complex

    Online Reservation System for Bankal Sports Complex

    study. To the beneficiaries, the proposed study will serve as a way of communication, the customers can ask question or comment on the website. And to advertise the sports complex, gain more customers not only in Merville but also near communities by having a website. To owner, the proposed study

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  • Open Access Data Sharing for Borneo’s Ecological Data

    Open Access Data Sharing for Borneo’s Ecological Data

    Causes of the problem Current approaches by researchers and ecologist in Malaysia only focused to their specific research in a small scale, and there are only few efforts that been made by to collect and analysed data and then sharing or publish it. Lack of researcher’s experience and awareness

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  • Operating System Flaws

    Operating System Flaws

    eliminated that vulnerability. The third and fourth operating systems that I will discuss will be Linux and UNIX. One of the major security flaws in recent memory that happened with Linux was the source code mistake. The error was made in GnuTLS library which is an open source software starting

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  • Operation Research - Validation of a Model

    Operation Research - Validation of a Model

    Dynamic Validity: It is determined with maintaining how the model will be maintained during its life cycle so it will continue to be an acceptable representation of the system.2 areas which are of importance are updating and review. The model developers need to establish a procedure by which information

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  • Optimised Internal Processes

    Optimised Internal Processes

    C.3 BENEFICIOS EN SERVICIOS AL CLIENTE • Aumenta la satisfacción del Cliente. • Aumenta la eficacia de la prestación del servicio al Cliente, al contar con una información completa y homogénea y una interacción multicanal. • Maximiza los márgenes mediante un empleo eficaz de los recursos disponibles. II. Justificación

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  • Organisation Behaviour: Kake Da Dhaba

    Organisation Behaviour: Kake Da Dhaba

    We found out that there are many orders coming his way for home delivery but he is losing out on them as he is not very interested about it as he doesn’t think that it is worth to do home delivery for orders below 500. We questioned him about

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  • Otis Elevator Case Study

    Otis Elevator Case Study

    4. An Otis manager states in the case that “To achieve continuous transformation, the e*Logistics program makes sure the business process change sticks. At first business executives saw process improvements from SIP, but after even just a few employees left, benefits fell off and became inconsistent. With the e*Logistics

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  • Otisline Case Solution

    Otisline Case Solution

    [pic 1] It is evident that being High impact change, both in strategy and operations, is a HIGH RISK change. For the Risks Involved: - Too much Capital Intensive: If the Project failed, a lot of investors would lose their money - Risk of getting into unknown territory: Some

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  • Our Attention Is Just a Pawn in the Great Game of Silicon Valley

    Our Attention Is Just a Pawn in the Great Game of Silicon Valley

    Content inserts would not pop-up on the pages but are with the pages themselves naturally; the readers would enjoy and share the contents. Net Star Advertising Net star advertising use stars visibility and number of fans, naturally insert in the live video and net stars activities. This advertising is

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  • Overview of Technology Trends, It and Competitive Advantage

    Overview of Technology Trends, It and Competitive Advantage

    Answer: - Use of big data in decision making. - Using big data to offer more specialised decision-making support in the airline company when using company information system. - Working in partnership with other departments to calculate the points at which big data can most usefully be shared with

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