Weapons Training
Autor: Maryam • November 7, 2018 • 1,539 Words (7 Pages) • 653 Views
mood in the world he lives in. Hence, Homo suburbiensis demonstrates the composer’s concern for the changing world as a result of war.
Uncertainty of life is a complication explored in Dawe’s poem Drifters as he raises awareness for the issue. The imagery of “green tomatoes” represents the prematurities of the vegetables, suggesting that the drifters of the poem never had a chance to ripen the tomatoes due to their constant moving. Dawe highlights this theme as a complexity in life as he mentions “last shrivelled fruit” which symbolises lost hopes and unchased dreams of the children as it also creates a sad tone. The repetition of of “make a wish” in the last stanza depicts the narrator’s desperate desire to achieve peace in their lives as they are living under the unpredictable barriers within their lives. Hence, Dawe illustrates the issue of uncertainties in life to draw attention to the unseen issue within the contemporary society.
Stereotypes is an idea emphasised in Up The Wall which depicts the typical image every household has. The roles of men and women are highlighted and compared through Dawe’s suggestion of gender inequality as the significant mention of the onomatopoeia “shriek” in the first line personifies the kettles actions. This creates an imagery of a kettle boiling in the background which metaphorically symbolises the woman’s emotions and it being ignored and pushed away from priorities.This expresses her stress, hence communicating a pessimistic tone that emphasises this is a domestic tragedy. The stereotypical content is highlighted through the woman’s hectic life, in contrast to her husband’s lighthearted and positive tone as he and his friends laugh about the “quiet neighbourhood” demonstrating the insensitiveness of men in society. To further emphasise the stereotypical and familiar scene, the casual colloquial language “They nearly dorve me up the wall” and “I could have screamed, and then the phone-!”, also enjambment is employed to illustrate the cut-off sentences suggesting the social problems associated with most individuals, hence the matter isn’t important because it is too commonly witnessed. The imagery of the wife complaining to her husband is such an ordinary scene that most individuals are not aware of it being an issue, however the stereotypical world suggests it is fine to continue the inequality, excluding the roles and importance of females in families. Hence Dawe raises awareness towards this situation conveying his thoughts on the stereotypical world.
Sexism is a theme explored in the advertisement ‘Women Don’t Leave The Kitchen’ by Hardee’s as it raises awareness of the issue which was considered ordinary during the time. “Little miss” is a metaphoric word choice to represent wives which devalues their existence and suggests that the wife is young and naive. This contrasts with the use of “man” which refers to the husband provides an adult representation for the gender. Furthermore, the black kitchen bench outstand the woman’s white dress which is used as colour imagery to symbolise the purity and innocent image that women are supposed to portrtay. The composition of the reading path leads the viewer into noticing the white high heels which indicates the effort to appear presentable despite only belonging in the kitchen as this further emphasises the sense of sexism. The body language is ladylike but subtly luring suggesting the sexual roles of women in society. Moreover, the facial expressions of the three subjects are employed to establish the ideal image of a family, highlighting the stereotypical environment. Ultimately, the concept of sexism is evident in the advertisement as it is an issue that needs to be address despite the familiar scene that has been published on media over the years.