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Internacional Bussines in Usa

Autor:   •  March 23, 2018  •  Term Paper  •  2,820 Words (12 Pages)  •  601 Views

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Alan Guillermo Huerta Martínez



Nombre del curso: 

International environments and business operations

Nombre del profesor:

Mireya del Rosario Castro Baizabal




Project Term 3

Fecha: 10/03/18


 El Economista. (2018). SISTEMA POLÍTICO. -, de El Economista Sitio web: 

Santander. (2018). ESTADOS UNIDOS: POLÍTICA Y ECONOMÍA. -, de Santander Sitio web: 

Santander. (2018). ESTADOS UNIDOS: ENTORNO LEGAL. -, de Santander Sitio web: 

Santander. (2017). ESTADOS UNIDOS: INVERSIÓN EXTRANJERA. -, de Santander Sitio web:

Luis Fajardo. (2017). Por qué está perdiendo valor el dólar y cómo puede impactar a los países de América Latina. -, de BBC Mundo Sitio web: 

Kim Ann Zimmermann. (2017). American Culture: Traditions and Customs of the United States. -, de LIVESCIENCE Sitio web:

Environmental Protection Agency. (2000). Small Business Compliance Policy; Notice. -, de Environmental Protection Agency Sitio web:

Office of the United States Trade Representative. (2015). U.S.-Mexico Trade Facts. -, de Office of the United States Trade Representative Sitio web: 

The analysis of the environments that prevail in the regional/national market(s) that the Mexican PyME is trying to reach.

2.1. Its political system (corruption and transparency).

The United States constitutes a federal constitutional republic, with a presidential regime as a form of government based on the separation of powers in three branches: executive, legislative and judicial. What do each of these terms consist of?

FEDERAL SYSTEM. Federalism is the political system by which the functions of government are divided between a central power and associated states. A system of which the USA is a pioneer in theory and practice. The Federal Government exercises exclusively the minimum and indispensable competences to guarantee the political and economic unity of the nation, in matters such as foreign policy and defense, opposing systems based on a unitary or centralized state. The rest of the competences correspond to the federated states or they are exercised in a coordinated way in both levels of government, as in the case of the Education policy. Porte under the federal power is the power of the states (today 50) and after them, the local power, which takes multiple forms and has as a basic administrative unit the county. For its management each state has an elected governor and a legislature of its own.

PRESIDENTIALIST REGIME. Presidentialism is a system of government created in the United States, contrary to parliamentarism, which has the following fundamental characteristics:

The executive branch is separate from the legislative branch:

The President is directly elected by the voters in presidential elections independent of those of the legislature.

There is no link between the executive branch and the majority political party in Congress.

El Economista. (2018).

2.2. Its economic system and how it relates to that specific industry and Mexico.

Economic Situation

The United States has the world's leading economy, ahead of China, and is just emerging from its worst recession since the 1930s. Thanks to a long-range monetary and fiscal stimulus plan, the economy has recovered, and growth has risen to 2.6% of GDP in 2015, stimulated by private consumption, low interest rates and the dynamism of job creation. Activity slowed down in 2016 (1.6%), due to a drop-in investment and consumption. A rebound is expected in 2017 (2.2%), but the scope of the acceleration will depend on the credibility of the new president Donald Trump's economic program.

The year 2016 was marked by an unprecedented presidential campaign, in which Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump faced each other. Surprisingly, the latter won the election, after a campaign focused on attacks on elites, immigration and free trade. One of the essential features of President Trump's program is his desire to reinforce protectionism and undo the political legacy of Barack Obama. The first reform concerns just Obamacare, which allowed halving the number of Americans without social security. Although the situation inherited by Mr. Trump is very far from the one faced by Obama in 2008 (subprime mortgage crisis), the United States still faces many challenges. Public debt remains high (around 108% of GDP) and will continue to grow. The appreciation of the dollar and the weak growth of the European and Japanese economies affect exports, which fuels a growing current account deficit. The budget deficit surpasses 4% of the GDP and should be deepened if D. Trump applies its campaign promises (tax reduction and massive investments). In a context of return of inflation, the American central bank will continue, however, with its measures of contraction of monetary policy.

The international fiscal crisis caused a considerable increase in unemployment in the United States, which reached 10% in October 2009. Although the unemployment rate has decreased by 5%, this hides a decline in the labor market participation rate (62.7% at the end of 2016). If we consider the discouraged workers who left the labor market and those who are forced to accept part-time positions, the real unemployment rate rises to more than 10%. The levels of inequality have increased since the 1980s, reaching its highest point since a century ago. In 2014, the number of American citizens who had real estate reached its lowest level since 1998


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