The Evolution of Basketball in the Usa
Autor: • August 17, 2017 • Research Paper • 1,447 Words (6 Pages) • 967 Views
Where life`s purpose recovers value
U.A.N.L. Preparatoria 86300
SEMESTRE Enero-junio 2016
Unidad de aprendizaje: English 4
Etapa: 3 Producto: App. Act.
Maestro (a): Francisco Cisneros
Alumno (a): Abiud G Montoya N. Matricula: 1755056
Fecha: 16 / 02 / 2016
Application Activity
The Evolution of Basketball in the USA
In this research paper we will talk about the evolution of basketball in the USA, how technology has changed the sport through times and how it has been implemented in the ball, the rules, the scores, and the players.
From New York to London, to Paris, to Beijing. It’s played in the city parks of New York, the dusty plains of Africa, and the expensive designed courts of the NBA. The game is played wherever someone can get a ball, and a mounted ring-like object. Unlike other sports that require multiple people and a lot of equipment, Basketball only requires a Ball and the willingness to play. But profesional basketball needs more than that like modern technology for the ball, and firm rules.
Chapter 1 – History
What is known is that the first type of basketball was played by the Olmec people in Mexico, it was used to exchange products and agreements between people. The Aztecs and the Mayans also had something similar to this.
The first real game basquetbol was invented by the Canadian Doctor James Naismith invented for the winter season. The game began with 13 rules delas which 9 have been changed. The final score of the frst game was 1-0 during 30 minutes ( Jan- 20th- 1892).
Chapter 2 - The ball
A ball done well symmetrically gives you better support in the shot, pass, rebound, etc. If the ball is comfortable for your hands, you will feel mas comfortably at the moment of playing.
The First game consisted of 18 players, or nine to a team which was standard to the baseball teams of the day. They used a soccer ball.
William R. Chase made the ball go into the peach basket, and someone suggested a name for this new sport, Basketball.
The Game grew in popularity and within a few years, most of the YMCA centers in the Norther Eastern United States, and Southern Canada had facilities to accommodate players
Chapter 3 – The rules
The rules thanks to God have not been changed, but of equal form for the small players it is possible to be easy to forget them. As soon as you you learn them you have mas freedom at the moment of playing.
Basketball is a team sport. Two teams of five players each try to score by shooting a ball through a hoop elevated 10 feet above the ground. The game is played on a rectangular floor called the court, and there is a hoop at each end. The court is divided into two main sections by the mid-court line. If the offensive team puts the ball into play behind the mid-court line, it has ten seconds to get the ball over the mid-court line. If it doesn't, then the defense gets the ball. Once the offensive team gets the ball over the mid-court line, it can no longer have possession of the ball in the area in back of the line. If it does, the defense is awarded the ball.
The ball is moved down the court toward the basket by passing or dribbling. The team with the ball is called the offense. The team without the ball is called the defense. They try to steal the ball, contest shots, steal and deflect passes, and garner rebounds.
Chapter 4 – Fouls
The personal foul: It is any type of physical illegal aggression.
Free shots for fouls personnels:
- Three shots if the player was pulling 3.
- If it commits him foul without throwing the ball it is of the equipment to which it was committed them.
- If they commit 10 or mas fouls without throwing, for accumulated they have free shots in the following fouls.
Charging: An offensive foul that is committed when a player pushes or runs over a defensive player. The ball is given to the team that the foul was committed upon.
Blocking: Blocking is illegal personal contact resulting from a defender not establishing position in time to prevent an opponent's drive to the basket.
Flagrant foul. Violent contact with an opponent: This includes hitting, kicking, and punching. This type of foul results in free throws plus the offense retaining possession of the ball after the free throws.
Intentional foul: When a player makes physical contact with another player with no reasonable effort to steal the ball. It is a judgment call for the officials.
Technical Foul: it does not have to see with physical contact is on aggressions of different types as insulting or you fight verbal with the umpires.
Chapter 5 – Violations
There are 7 types of violations:
1. Walking/Traveling. When you move your foot pivot or walk more than two steps.
2. Carrying/palming. When you walk without bouncing.
3. Double Dribble. When you throw the ball with both hands at the same time.
4. Held ball. When two persons support