In What the Evolution of the Governance and Human Right of a Country Participate to Improve the International Relations?
Autor: Adnan • November 26, 2017 • 5,051 Words (21 Pages) • 847 Views
- History of Poland and human right
Poland was choose because the country is positioned at the center of Europe and it has known turbulent and violent times. Before enter in EU, Poland Known some periods of independence as well as period of domination by other countries. Poland has initially known an occupation Nazi and Soviet (1935-1945), then it is become communist with at its head Soviet Union (1945-1989) and becoming in 1889 a free and independent country via the democracy. The problem is its lack of experience of the democracy, unlike France, which is being built for over 200 years. Poland is first enter into NATO in 1999 and then in the European Union in order to enjoy growth. Poland joined the EU in 2004. The European Parliament has 51 members from Poland, which contains 38 million people. Poland has already chaired the Council of EU Ministers in July 2011 for a period of 6 months.
The country's constitution includes a chapter on human rights. The countries signed many international agreements relevant to human rights such as the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Helsinki Accords, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant economic, Social and Cultural Rights ". Human rights in this country is largely improved after 1989 with the emergence of a democratic government. Indeed prior to 1989 the country was ruled by an authoritarian state. Poland has become a Parliamentary Republic headed by a president elected by the citizens for a term of 5 years.
Governance help to preserve human rights and women rights. The citizens are very based on religious, the Catholicism. They disagreed with European positions on abortion and homosexuality. Few years ago the death penalty was still existing in Poland. In 2007 the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination which causes a change in the labor law including on women's equal treatment and men, social protection, the fight against domestic violence and the amendments to the foreign Act, the law on the protection of foreigners on the territory of the Republic of Poland, who against women in Poland to offer them the same opportunity in the labor market.
Concerning freedom of expression and freedom of the media in Poland, many criminal and civil proceedings have taken place and complaints to the European Court of Human Rights in cases relating to freedom of speech and expression.
- International relations of Poland
Poland is a very patriotic country. The European Union permitted to the Polish people the right to come and go in member countries. Indeed, the European Union allows the opening of borders and improved trade. Early relations with the United States were not very simple because the enlargement of the Atlantic alliance granted by the United States Senate took a lot of time. Relations between the two countries emerged after the Wilson doctrine.
Relations with Germany after the Second World War were complicated particularly because of the extermination of millions of Polish Jews and the expulsion of the Germans. They have gradually improved after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Concerning relations Poland France, they have improved recently. Poland is involved on European security by participating in operations in the Congo and Liban. Their relations with Russia are very tense but it is in their common interests to try to work together to prevent damage to the EU- Russia relations. Complicated relations with its neighbors remain a challenge regarding the economic, social, political and military questions.
Poland exports slightly more than it imports. Regarding manufactured goods balance is similar, however the country export more agricultural products and import more mining products. Poland has the chance to have the strongest early growth of the countries of the European Union thanks to its cheap labor and the large number of investment from abroad. It also offers easy financing, a good banking network and an attractive tax with a tax rate of 19% of companies, where a large number of foreign investment.
- South Africa
- South Africa History
Due to its multiculturalism, the history of the South Africa is not an easy one to understand, thanks to the period of colonialism. This country has known the European, Dutch cultures and others that had an important impact on the civilization that were in that place at this period. Consequently, different problems and inequalities occurred such as slavery or racial and cultural discrimination based on the idea that the white civilization was superior to the black or metis people. Therefore, the most interesting is to focus on the evolution of these people’s rights over the time since the period of the apartheid.
- Evolution of Human Rights in South Africa since the Apartheid
Since the Apartheid
The phenomenon of the Apartheid births with the preconceived idea, that the color of the skin of the different civilizations has a role to play in the equal repartition of human rights. Consequently, the period of the apartheid take place in the 26 of May 1948 when the nationalist party of Daniel Malan won at the elections.
Since this time, the evolution of black people rights carried on to decrease. In fact, Daniel Malan, pastor of the Dutch Reformed Church, won the majority of seats in the Parliament of South Africa, he became the Prime Minister of the country, and he immediately set up its political system; the apartheid. As explain briefly previously, this one was based on the development of a country by the racial separation. Consequently, the South African Union, which already has a long history in the field, will enter a political system mainly focused on racial segregation. In order to completely understand and follow the consequent evolution of the black civilization rights, it is important to know exactly what the segregation was.
The segregation can be defined as a policy or a practice that has for goal to separate people of different races, classes, or ethnic groups, in different sectors such as in schools, housing, and public or commercial facilities. Thus, same as the segregation, the apartheid was the sad continuity of the idea that people has to be spread in function of their culture, their races, and this has a clear affect and impact on people lives, and rights.
In order to show the gravity of the situation, it is interesting to take some of the rules put in place during the apartheid that had an impact