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prevalence of Obesity Among Children in Ceuta

Autor:   •  July 10, 2017  •  Research Paper  •  1,366 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,045 Views

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Prevalence of obesity among children in Ceuta. PONCE study 2005

Main Idea: The continued rise of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents is a major public health problem that must be known to define and quantify the magnitude and identify the main risk groups.

Supporting details: The enKid (1998-2000) in Spain study has estimated an obesity prevalence of 13.9%, in a population of 2-22 years old.


1. 1) Overweight and obesity in children and adolescents is a major public health problem that must be known to define and quantify the magnitude and identify the main risk groups.

2. It is necessary to know and quantify this problem in order to delimit its magnitude and to identify the main risk groups.

3. The enKid study (1998-2000) has estimated an obesity prevalence in Spain of 13,9% within the population group aged 2-22 years.

4. Up to now, there was no data available about the city of Ceuta.

5. In this study, it has been estimated an obesity prevalence of 8,75% among the Ceuta population group aged 6-13 years.

Who wrote the article?

D. Juan de Dios López Casquero y Dña. Coral Calvo Bruzos.

When was the article written?

Nutr. Hosp. v.22 n.4 Madrid jul.-ago. 2007

What is the article about?

Prevalence of Obesity Among children in Ceuta. PONCE study 2005 the continuous increase of overweight in Spain. Mayor mind affects teens and children. Obesity is causing serious damage to public health.

Where the article written?

The IOTF (International Obesity Task Force), in a June 2005 report, estimated that 550,000 young Europeans may suffer from metabolic syndrome.

Why was the article written?

For all these reasons it is necessary to ascertain the magnitude of obesity from childhood age and identify the main risk groups in order to establish appropriate preventive measures, targeting both nutritional education as increased physical activity.

Infantile obesity: anthropometric and biochemical characteristics

Main Idea: Determining the anthropometric, biochemical characteristics and relationship in children with exogenous obesity

Supporting details: Material and Methods: 50 children and adolescents (25 males and 25 females) between the ages of 6-18 years who had a body mass index (BMI) above the 95th percentile for the classification of Must et al are studied.


1. Determining the anthropometric, biochemical characteristics and relationship in children with exogenous obesity

2. Material and Methods: Fifty 6 to 18 year-old children and adolescents (25 male and 25 female) with body mass index (BMI) over 95 percentile according to Must et al classification were studied.

3. Studies included triceps and subscapular skinfolds, waist circumference, serum total cholesterol (TC) and triglycerides (TG). Dyslipidemia was determined with TC 200 mg/dL and 100 mg/dL in children less than 10 year-old and TG 130 mg/dL for persons above 10 years of age.

4. Average and standard deviation were determined in each group, as well as Pearson correlation for both anthropometric and biochemical indicators. Results: A total of 32,6% and 55,6% of obese children and adolescents presented hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia, respectively; 26,1% had mixed dyslipidemia.

5. Statistic significant difference (p< 0,05) was found for anthropometric indicators, as opposed to biochemical indicators. Conclusions: Hypertriglyceridemia was the main problem in obese child. Obesity and dislipidemias could be independent risk factors and not necessarily consequence of the other.

6. Key words: Obesity; child health; hypertriglyceridemia; hypercholesteterolemia.

Who wrote the article?

Dr. Jaime Pajuelo Ramírez

When was the article written?

An. Fac. med. v.64 n.1 Lima ene./mar. 2003

Where the article written?

Paper presented at the Sixth Congress of the Latin American Society of Atherosclerosis. The Habna-2001 Cuba.

Why was the article written?

Obesity and dyslipidemia could be independent risk factors and not necessarily a consequence of the other. Determining the anthropometric, biochemical characteristics and relationship in children with exogenous obesity. To evaluate and determine how it affects the health of the child.

Treatment of childhood obesity: Factors forecasts associated with a favorable response

Main Idea: Analyze family, clinical or personal factors that could serve as predictors of therapeutic success in the ambulatory control of obese children.

Supporting details: 2000 a88 obese patients of both sexes of 9.9


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