Air Pollution in Monterrey
Autor: • December 30, 2018 • Case Study • 542 Words (3 Pages) • 1,034 Views
Air pollution in Monterrey
Monterrey is a city that forms part from the metropolitan area in the state of Nuevo León, it has aproximately 1, 136 million habitants, it is one of the most pollutants citys in Mexico, most of this causes is because, as we know, Monterrey is an industrial city and has a lot of factories and industries that work all around the area, so it produces a big impact in the city causing the increase of pulmonary deficiencies, cancer, lost of budget of big enterprises caused by the decease of workers and employees that acquire air contamination illnesses, the air pollution in Monterrey have several impacts such as the increasing deaths caused by air contamination, the number of medical consultes and lost of productivity inside the companies.
The number of deaths caused by the air contaminatation in the city has been increasing gradually due to the massive use of fossil fuels and also factories productivity that realeses big amoun of nocive substances while processing the primary products, according to studies made by the IMCO (Mexican Institue for the Competivity ) the numbrer of death caused by thes phenomenon in which 5,065 persons in Mexico died in year 2012, and around that total number of population affected, around 5% of the deaths happened in Monterrey and inside the metropolitan area.
The increasing number of medical consultes in hospitals around Monterrey has been increasin each year around a .1%, where the patients are diagnosed with several and diferente diseases, some of them are; cardio-pulmonary problems, allergic reactions sucha as the presence of irritated eyes, discomfort in the esophagus, asmath, étc. The IMSS and ISSTE, are some of the public hospitals most solicitated around the metropolitan area have confirmed, these health institutions have confirmed that 2 of each 10 consults are about healths problems caused by these type of contamination, and fortunetley most of these patients does not have a serious problem, and are just treated with different drugs.
The lost of productivity of big companies that are situated in this urban area have had a big lost of capital due to the deceased of workers and employees and also for the health insurance costs that company pays for its workers in this type of specific cases. Air pollution has generated a cost to the country of nearly 14 billion pesos for its impact on health, from January 2010 to today, calculated the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO). Mean while in Monterrey companies have lost around $366,039,014 in lost of productivity and also $94,712,088 in health costs, so we can see that Monterrey represents a considerable fraction of money lost in the country due to this environmental problem.
In summary, air pollution in Monterrey city has been a big phenomenon that has threaten its habitants and also the companies that sorround the area in an