River Pollution
Autor: Essays.club • August 8, 2017 • Creative Writing • 1,094 Words (5 Pages) • 1,032 Views
Rivers, usually called “the source of life”, and one of the powerful force of nature, are fresh water that provides enough nutrients to people. The purpose of rivers apart from substance to people, I can say that helps more than others sources of life, you can use it as transport and as a way to earn money.
River pollution is one of the biggest problems that we are facing today, over 97% of all water on earth is salty and most of the remaining 3% is frozen in the polar ice-caps.
Rivers, lakes and underground stores hold less than 1% of all the fresh water. The population of the world is increasing day by day. In the recent year’s rapid industrialization and urbanization have caused destruction and polluted the atmosphere. If we don’t change this now, it will become irreversible.
The quality of natural water in rivers, lakes and reservoirs depends on a number of interrelated factors. In its movement on and through the surface of the heart, water has the ability to react with minerals, so that its natural state is never pure. It always contains a variety of soluble inorganic, soluble organic and organic compounds. In addition to these, water can carry large amounts of insoluble materials that are held in suspension.
Causes of Pollution
If we don’t do something, it will get worst because it is increasing day by day. River pollution can be due to this causes:
1. Acid rain
Rain falling through polluted air absorbs some of the pollutants. Polluted air contains too many poisonous gases such as Sulphur di-oxide (SO2), oxide of nitrogen (NOx) etc. that react with rainwater to form acids.
1. Industrial pollution
Lot of industrial wastes discharged into water are mixtures of chemicals, which are difficult to clean up. Increase of the heavy metals in industrial waste water that drains into rivers has resulted in severe river pollution. Some industrial wastes are so toxic that if they are not immediately and strictly controlled, it will become very expensive later to deal with.
1. Agricultural pollution
The extensive uses of chemicals in the form of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture have left too many contaminations. The contamination enters the human body through the food we eat, and too many of them cause health problems such as cancer. Without sufficient oxygen no life form can survive in a water body.
1. Oil Pollution
Careless people can also pollute rivers and harm wildlife by pouring things like used car oil and paint into drains. If oil enters a slow-moving river, it will form a rainbow-colored film over the entire surface preventing oxygen from entering the water. As mentioned above, without oxygen the river is biologically dead.
1. Radioactive waste
People view radioactive waste with great alarm and for good reason. At high enough concentrations it can kill; in lower concentrations it can cause cancers and other illnesses. If people throw radioactive waste, people will get sick and may die, any living being that lives in the water will die.
1. Other sources of pollution
* Rubbish like crisp packets, newspaper and bags.
* Oil
* Poisonous substances
* Cans, bottles and other solid objects
* Human waste / excrement