Gospel Essentials
Autor: Jannisthomas • February 6, 2018 • 1,248 Words (5 Pages) • 2,212 Views
Analysis of the Christian Worldview
“Christianity allows people to become better versions of themselves” (2001). People can come to god, admit their mistakes and ask him for forgiveness. Christianity also gives reassurance that God will always be there for them and is completely reliable. Through god’s word it allows people to become more understanding. As mentioned previously god is a forgiving god, while this may be true there may still be confusion on how Jesus is the son of Mary who is said to be a virgin. The confusion is scientific based, because God preforms many miracles science goes unanswered
Reflection on the Christian Worldview
I am a Christian and as such I believe that God created the heavens and the earth. I also believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. As a Christian I know not to question god’s path of life because I know that everything is in god’s hands. Living day to day, I am a human that makes multiple mistakes. I am blessed to know that I serve a righteous and forgiving god.
In this paper, I explained how Christianity is viewed in the world around us. I summarized and analyzed God, Humanity, Jesus and Restoration in which Christianity is viewed and briefly reflected on implications from my own worldview. Although there are many different worldviews that exist all over the world, Christianity is diverse and its diversity is what makes it uniquely beautiful
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