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Gospel of James and Luke

Autor:   •  July 30, 2017  •  Creative Writing  •  501 Words (3 Pages)  •  878 Views

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Gospel of James and Luke


[Document title]

The Infancy Gospel of James

Group # 1

My personal reaction to this project is good. I learned a lot. Until this project I did not know that there were no canonical gospel about Mary available to read. I think is it interesting that we can have the opportunity to read about Mary and her origins. In Latino Culture, the Virgin Mary is a very important figure, I never got interested in learning more about her until now. I really enjoyed this project. It was informational and interesting. I enjoyed working with the group. We got along very well. Every single one of us participated and were available to do the work. I like the information we found as a group and by personal research.


Hock, R. F. (2001). The Favored One. Bible Reviews, 13-25.

Independent . (2015, November). Retrieved from

Miller, R. J. (2010). The Complete Gospels. Salem, Oregon: Polebridge Press.

The State Hermitage Museum . (2015, November). Retrieved from

Terian, Abraham. (Eds.) (2008) The Armenian Gospel of the Infancy: with three early versions of the Protevangelium of James Oxford; Oxford University Press.

Hock, Ronald F.. (Eds.) (1995) The Infancy Gospels of James and Thomas: with introduction, notes, and original text featuring the New Scholars Version translation Santa Rosa, Calif.: Polebridge Press.

Total time spent: 15 Hrs. Between personal research and group work.

Number of pages read: 50-150 pages.

Luke’s Gospel has much more information about Mary than the other three do. He gives us a very intimate portrait of her, showing her initial surprise at the arrival of the angel Gabriel and her subsequent acceptance of her role as the Mother of the Savior. Luke also includes the story of Mary visiting her pregnant cousin Elizabeth, which gives us a rare glimpse into female friendship and familial support, and he alone has the beautiful “Magnificat,” Mary’s hymn of praise. In fact, Luke is the Gospel that features the most direct quotations from Mary herself. Luke also includes stories showing Mary’s life as a young mother: the Presentation in the Temple,


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