Ordinary People Movie
Autor: Sara17 • November 4, 2017 • 1,016 Words (5 Pages) • 877 Views
5.) Calvin also goes through the Kubler-Rosses stage mostly regarding his family members. First was denial , when asked at a party if Conrad was alright and Calvin lied that he was getting better which was not true. Another was depression. Calvin finds himself in Dr. Berger's office to talk about himself . He feels depressed over the fact that his family was tearing apart along with his marriage, to the point that he weeps in the kitchen and expresses his feelings to his wife about not being strong and questions his love for her as well as her love for him. Acceptance is another. He accepts that his family is not the way it used to be and that the mother will never change which at the end of the movie resulted in her leaving.
6.) The broken plate in the film to me was symbolic of the relationships in the family. Beth mentions to her mother that the plate could be saved which to me meant her relationship with her husband could be saved but not with Conrad. In fact she wants Conrad to go away to school because she didn't know how to deal with him anymore.
The movie in my opinion was a perfect example of what people with Post-Traumatic-Stress Disorder go through as well as the family that are involved with a member that has that type of disorder. I feel as though any tragic event as always challenges an individual and unfortunately destroys lives. It can break a perfectly good home or rebuild relationships and strengthen the family. With unfortunate events like the Jarrett's had faced, it can also bring out a person's character and also show you their weakness and strengths that you may have never noticed.