Rights of Communities, Indigenous People and Nationalities
Autor: Essays.club • August 19, 2017 • Creative Writing • 846 Words (4 Pages) • 1,097 Views
Rights of indigenous people
3rd. BGU
January 4th., 2016
The current Ecuadorian Constitution recognizes the efforts of indigenous nationalities for their rights. The Declaration of Rights of Indigenous People of the United Nations says: "It is the mutual recognition and respect for ethnic and cultural values" ... "It is the right of any person, regardless of their origin, culture, language and spiritual traditions, to be recognized and respected as such. " There were an advancement and increase of respect of these rights thanks to the recognition of human rights, the history of the French Revolution and the abolition of slavery.
Article 56 (Ecuadorian Constitution):
Communities, indigenous people and nationalities, the Afro-Ecuadorian people, the montubio and communes are part of Ecuador, unique and indivisible state.
Article 57:
It recognizes and guarantees to the communes, communities, indegenous people and nations the following collective rights:
1. To freely maintain, develop and strengthen their identity, sense of belonging, ancestral traditions and forms of social organization.
2. Do not be subject of racism or any form of discrimination based on their origin, ethnic or cultural identity.
3. The recognition, repair and compensation for communities affected by racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance and discrimination.
4. Keep the inalienable ownership of their communal lands, which are inalienable, indefeasible and indivisible. No tax for these lands.
5. Maintain possession of ancestral lands and territories and get their free allotment.
6. To participate in the use, usufruct, administration and conservation of renewable natural resources located on their lands.
7. The free, prior and informed consultation, within a reasonable term plans and programs of exploration, exploitation and marketing of non-renewable resources found on their lands that could affect their environment or culture. Participate in the benefits that these projects produce and to receive compensation caused by social, cultural or environmental damage.
8. To preserve and promote the practices of biodiversity and the natural environment. The State shall establish and implement programs, with the participation of the community, to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.
9. Maintain and develop their own forms of coexistence and social organization and generation and exercise of authority in their legally recognized territories and ancestral community land ownership.
10. Create, develop, implement and practice their own right that cannot be breached constitutional rights, including women, children and adolescents.
11. Do not be displaced from their ancestral lands.
12. To maintain, protect and develop collective knowledge; their sciences, technologies and ancestral knowledge;