Explain Critically Why Otherwise Ordinary People Behave Unethically in Contemporary Organisational Settings
Autor: Joshua • January 26, 2018 • 1,394 Words (6 Pages) • 716 Views
However, this organizational structure has failed from these things that seemed to be its strengths. For instance, the over control or inflexible corporate structure will kill creativity and reduce competitiveness, the work force will decrease the level of employees’ job satisfaction and commitment. Moreover, the world is changing as well as the growing influence of globalization has laid out an urgent need for a new structure, that is the reason for “post-bureaucracy” is established.
Post-bureaucracy can be considered as an update version of Bureaucracy, it is simpler in structural terms, in which individuals are allowed space in which to develop their creativity (such as Google). An organic organization is often found in firms operate in highly uncertain environments. With its flexible, this structure can deal with continuous and turbulent changes in markets, customers preferences, technologies, regulations, etc. Additionally, the post-bureaucratic organizations are far more focus on improving products’ quality to increase the competitive advantage rather than products’ quantity, creating networks instead of hierarchy between departments in the company to increase the diversity of ideas, as well as reducing the time and risks in making decisions.
There are characteristic of post-bureaucracy have impacted on the work of the contemporary manager, for instance, team working and outsourcing are more encouraged or matrix structure with the key component is “projects”. This structure helps the firm to increase amount of information and frequency of communication, to create cross-functional project teams as well as more flexible in the use of human and capital resource.
Additionally, a several models present to post-bureaucracy, such as “the virtual organization” also change the way transmission of information, data within the company. Technology (video conferencing, email, internet) become a central to communicate. Or “the network organization” which usually connected on a project basis. The crucial factor of this type is that the partners have a more formal and enduring relationship than in the virtual org. Last but not least is “postmodern organization”, this is essentially a bureaucratic organization which has undergone a degree of de-differentiation of its structure; it has become more integrated, less specialist, and more team based.
However, many managers have difficulty with the transition to new organizational forms as the Oticon case. Managers have to change their mindset and learn new sets of behavior, besides that, employees also have to learn to be empowered, take initiative and be creative. Managers must also focus on developing the skills and encourage employees to work in teams more often.