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Metamorphosis of Society: Teenage Pregnancy

Autor:   •  February 5, 2018  •  1,189 Words (5 Pages)  •  704 Views

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to the article previously mentioned, the only way to be accepted is to have relationship with the opposite sex and have sexual relations. There was a stereotype of "What kind of lover are you?" and one of its underlying issue is "A relationship with price tag" sometimes, a girl isn’t ideally accepted with the guy that she likes and can only possibly think that in order to be loved, she must have sex with her other half, and that’s when occurs. In some developed countries, teenagers face too much peer pressure to start having sex at a very young adolescent age. This kind of promiscuous behavior may lead to unwanted teenage pregnancies.

Third, teenage pregnancy is caused by contraceptive failure. This is another basic reason for teenage pregnancy. Many brands and types of contraceptives are available in the market easily. Contraceptives are NEVER a guarantee for complete safety. Since teens are still growing and young, they still lack knowledge in using these things and they are ignorant for not taking responsibility with they are about to take and use. They even misuse these. Contraceptives wasn’t thought at home ofcourse, so technically, it was referred and learnt from other people or a friend of theirs. Therefore, this behavior leads to early pregnancies.

Resentfully the last, it is because of family problems, one may have experience bad treatment inside the house and what she may think of is she could form a better family than what she has, the family that she will be accepted and feel loved. Since some other guys were unluckily driven, he would also agree with it.

Teenage pregnancy fails in both concept, one is there are things that are scarily befall, like another issue that reality plays and society face is the Abortion, if one cannot take the consequences of these, she have no choice but to abort her child considering that the father has no balls to man up. Second is, the child after may not be treated good because the mother’s pregnancy wasn’t lowkey liked by her too. What most teens don’t realize are the effects that they will make on their children. If a single teen mom has to raise her baby on food

stamps and minimum wage, the food she feeds her child won’t be the

best. Most mothers at a young age don’t know what foods are best for

her baby. Her baby could be malnourished and dehydrated and she

wouldn’t know it. Because she didn’t get the chance to graduate high

school, she would have an awful time searching for jobs, never

knowing what it would pay or if she would get it because the job she

applied for might not accept high school drop outs.

There are still many reasons why teenage pregnancy occurs. Whatever these reasons are, the event of having a baby at an early age can be highly traumatic. Thus, proper education for sexuality must be taught to students not only in school but also at home. Parents should give their children a balanced home atmosphere because it is their responsibility as parents. This must be told to both sons and daughters, because teenage males cannot always be held accountable and sometimes are foolish enough to try to have unprotected sex, thus causing pregnancy. Ultimately, it is up to the teenager to make the right decision, but caring parents can greatly influence their children’s lives and the right action or simply a good talk can certainly make the difference and greatly prevent teenage pregnancy. By this, teenage pregnancies would be reduced.


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