Landslide Monitoring System
Autor: Maryam • October 29, 2017 • 7,765 Words (32 Pages) • 689 Views
2. Silty Soil has much smaller particles than sandy soil so it’s smooth to the touch. When moistened, it’s soapy slick. When you roll it between your fingers, dirt is left on your skin. Silty soil retains water longer, but it can’t hold on to as much nutrients as you’d want it to though it’s
fairly fertile. Due to its moisture-retentive quality, silty soil is cold and drains poorly.
3. Clay Soil has the smallest particles among the three so it has good water storage qualities. It’s sticky to the touch when wet, but smooth when dry. Due to the tiny size of its particles and its tendency to settle together, little air passes through its spaces. Because it’s also slower to drain, it has a tighter hold on plant nutrients. Clay soil is thus rich in plant food for better growth. It is cold and in the spring, takes time to warm since the water within also has to warm up. The downside is that clay soil could be very heavy to work with when it gets dry. Especially during the summer months, it could turn hard and compact, making it difficult to turn. (When clay soil is worked while it’s too wet though, it’s prone to damage).
4. Peaty Soil is dark brown or black in color, soft, easily compressed due to its high water content, and rich in organic matter. Peat soil started forming over 9,000 years ago, with the rapid melting of glaciers. This rapid melt drowned plants quickly and died in the process. Their decay was so slow underwater that it led to the accumulation of organic area in a concentrated spot. Although peat soil tends to be heavily saturated with water, once drained, it turns into a good growing medium. In the summer though, peat could be very dry and become a fire hazard. The most desirable quality of peat soil, however, is in its ability to hold water in during the dry months and its capacity to protect the roots
from damage during very wet months. Peat contains acidic water, but growers use it to regulate soil chemistry or pH levels as well as an agent of disease control for the soil.
5. Saline Soil in extremely dry regions is usually brackish because of its high salt content. [AGVE2011]
Over the past few years, the monitoring of natural phenomena has acquired great importance for the scientific community. It aims to understand the mechanisms of disruptive processes define adequate prevention measures for the mitigation of their effects and reduce the loss of human lives and assets. In order to detect the stability conditions of slopes belonging to different geological and environmental contexts, geotechnical investigations have been carried out since 1982. Landslide monitoring is required for a wide variety of reasons. These may include; to determine the extent, magnitude and style of landslide movement, for risk and even emergency risk management assessments and/or to assist with the design and implementation of site remedial and/or mitigation works. Landslide monitoring can be undertaken in many forms. The monitoring may include traditional ground survey techniques repeated over time to determine movement at specific locations. [SCI2000] Real time monitoring save people's lives because traditional field observations cannot detect changes the instant they occur and landslides can be very difficult and unsafe to work on.
The “MCU-Based Landslide Monitoring System using GSM Technology” will help on monitoring and giving warning if there are efficient signs that the landslide might occur in Sta. Barbara, San Mateo Rizal it can be used as part of an early warning system for those living in areas prone to landslides. The machine will geared by load cell that will be used to detect soil movement, also a sensor used for detecting the water content of the soil also known as soil moisture sensor and lastly, rain gauge used to gather and measure the amount of precipitation over a set period of time. The critical level for soil moisture is 50% and 60%. If the water content of the soil is greater than 50% but less than 60% the indicators of the soil moisture sensor in the website will be orange and also trigger the alarm in the PC, otherwise if it exceeds to 60% the indicators of the soil moisture sensor in the website will change to red and trigger the alarm in the PC. The assigned critical level for rain gauge is when the ticks in the rain gauge is greater than twenty (20) but less than forty (40) the lights will automatically change to orange light after the one (1) minute updating time, and if the ticks exceed to forty (40) ticks the lights will automatically change to red and sends SMS notification to the registered numbers. The ticks of the rain gauge are equivalent to
.02794mm. The assigned critical level for load cell is when the raw readings of the load cell ranges from three hundred twenty one (321) to three hundred ninety (390) or one hundred ten (110) to one hundred seventy nine (179) the lights will automatically change to orange light
after the one (1) minute updating time, and if it exceeds to three hundred ninety (390) or reads below one hundred ten (110) the lights will automatically change to red and sends SMS notification to the registered numbers. The value of the load cell will be multiplied to 9.81m/s-3 to get the weighted force applied in the load cell. The machine had a post which contains the alarm with lights. The lights and alarm represent the situation in the locations where the machine was installed (San Mateo, Rizal). Three (3) levels that can be considered in the alarm with lights. First, “Level 1: NORMAL” when the lights in the post is green the condition in San Mateo, Rizal is normal. Next, “Level 2: WARNING” when the lights in the post is orange the situation is not good and it gives a warning alert by automatically turning on the bionic horn and giving a continuous beeping sounds that will caught the attention of the residents of San Mateo, Rizal. Lastly, “Level 3: ALERT” when the lights in the post is red and it gives a warning alert by automatically turning on the bionic horn and giving a continuous sounds that will caught the attention of the residents. The machine’s alarm feature will turn on and simultaneously transmit and record the data of the irregularities detected by the sensors on the server’s database and eventually if the lights in post