Smart Water Quality Monitoring System
Autor: rizvana • February 9, 2019 • Research Paper • 3,502 Words (15 Pages) • 1,095 Views
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Smart Water Quality Monitoring System
Conference Paper · December 2015
DOI: 10.1109/APWCCSE.2015.7476234
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4 authors, including:
Kabir Al Mamun[pic 4]
University of the South Pacific
F. R. Islam
Australian Defence Force Academy[pic 5]
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Smart Water Quality Monitoring System
A.N.Prasad, K. A. Mamun, F. R. Islam, H. Haqva School of Engineering and Physics
University of the South Pacific Laucala, Fiji Islands
Abstract— Nowadays Internet of Things (IoT) and Remote Sensing (RS) techniques are used in different area of research for monitoring, collecting and analysis data from remote locations. Due to the vast increase in global industrial output, rural to urban drift and the over-utilization of land and sea resources, the quality of water available to people has deteriorated greatly. The high use of fertilizers in farms and also other chemicals in sectors such as mining and construction have contributed immensely to the overall reduction of water quality globally. Water is an essential need for human survival and therefore there must be mechanisms put in place to vigorously test the quality of water that made available for drinking in town and city articulated supplies and as well as the rivers, creeks and shoreline that surround our towns and cities. The availability of good quality water is paramount in preventing outbreaks of water-borne diseases as well as improving the quality of life. Fiji Islands are located in the vast Pacific Ocean which requires a frequent data collecting network for the water quality monitoring and IoT and RS can improve the existing measurement. This paper presents a smart water quality monitoring system for Fiji, using IoT and remote sensing technology.
Keywords—Smart Water Quality Monitoring; Internetof Things; Remote Sensing.
Over the past few decades, waters in and around Fiji have gradually succumbed to a fair degree of pollution. Chemical waste and oil spills are the major, primary forms of water pollution threatening Fiji’s waterways. For example, an article published in the Fiji Times on 24 December, 2014 reported on raw sewage seeping into the Samabula River at a rate of 200 liters per second due to broken pipes [1]. Eliminating pollution altogether may seem like an unfathomable notion but limiting its effects when it does happen is certainly possible. The primary objective of this project is to devise a method to monitor seawater quality in an effort to aid in water pollution control in Fiji with the help of IoT and RS technology.[pic 10][pic 11][pic 12][pic 13]
The Smart Water Quality Monitoring System will measure the following water parameters for analysis; Potential Hydrogen (pH), Oxidation and Reduction Potential (ORP), Conductivity and Temperature using a RS technology. While monitoring these parameters, it is perceived that one should receive a stable set of results. Therefore a continuous series of anomalous measurements would indicate the potential introduction of a water pollutant and the user will be notified of this activity with the aid of IoT technology. False positives, such as anomalous readings over a short period of time, will be recorded but not treated as an alert. Hence, with the successful implementation of this monitoring approach, a water pollution early warning system can be achieved with[pic 14][pic 15][pic 16][pic 17]
a fully realized system utilising multiple monitoring stations.
Initiatives have been taken all over the globe to develop projects based on sampling water to aid in controlling marine environments. It may not be specific to water pollution monitoring but similar concepts are involved.
Libeliums Smart Water device monitors the status of an aquarium’s health in Europe [2]. It specifically monitors parameters like pH, electro conductivity, oxidation/reduction potential (ORP) and temperature. A cloud based solution is developed to help in monitoring data in real time providing a fast and effective reaction in case of rising abnormalities.[pic 18][pic 19]
A similar example to that of this project can be seen in the coastal water pollution monitoring initiative in the Gulf of Kachchh [3] with the only difference being in terms of it having a much larger scope and vastly more expensive protocols deployed to counter the effects of the industrial development.
Furthermore, locally there have been projects based around the conservation of the coral reefs. The Mamanuca Environment society’s (MES) Biannual Sea Water Monitoring Program has been around for 4 years whereby tests are carried out on seawater for faecal coliform (FC) bacteria, salinity and nutrients which helps in ascertaining the health of the surrounding reefs [4].[pic 20][pic 21]