Raising in 90s - Personal Essay
Autor: Joshua • December 10, 2018 • 903 Words (4 Pages) • 620 Views
to interact with others. We also have a much higher proclivity to be bored and to seek stimuli on contrast with previous generations. Video games, for the most part, are exclusively design to exploit these inclinations that we crave. Specially for competitive online games, such as shooters and strategy based games, the developers have nearly perfected a way to feed our brains with happy juices that trumps most if not all menial tasks of real life. Now days kids are a lot more exuberant when they get a 10-kill streak or get a shiny skin in a digital package than getting an A on their exam; heck! I would argue that most adults are happier at that prospect than getting a raise or going on a first date!It is estimated that one out of six prime aged men(25-54) are unemployed or are completely out of the work force. That is 10 million men who are dependent on the state and programs that enable them to become sedentary and complacent and whom a vast number spend their free time gaming than actively looking for a job. This should not be acceptable by any means, now nor in the future. I have seen this with my own eyes, a good chunk of my friends in their early 20s are in an everlasting twilight zone, they are infinitely more preoccupied with their computer specs than about their careers, women and their own personal growth.
These groups of young men have been a tiny minority for the most part, but it seems that they are growing and growing in an exponential rate. Whether this is the result of the degradation of masculinity or the shattering of the family by modern activist groups, the video game have capitalized on the woes and anxieties of young men. Perhaps this generation is doomed. Perhaps not. But it is clear that we need to teach the next generation of men to cultivate and to channel their aggressiveness into a much more productive way than shooting zombies and clicking their mouses, otherwise I fear that our men... will no longer be men.