Depression - Personal Essay
Autor: Adnan • January 25, 2018 • 1,099 Words (5 Pages) • 904 Views
and started recollecting the passions that I use to enjoy. My first course of actions was to salvage
the friendships I severed because of my love/hate relationship with isolation. It was a difficult
task that I was prepared to face, because I longed for human interaction. Luckily for me, my
friends were more than understanding as to why I haven’t contacted them in over nine months.
Most of them were just happy that I contacted them. With that situation settled I had to tackle my
second obstacle the issue of my weight. My mother was more than eager than to assist me in
helping me in that. With her help I joined fitness center that catapulted me into my new fitness
journey. I can not begin to tell you how invigorating and satisfying it felt to sweat out all the pain
and fat that I accumulated unto myself.
My final obstacle was to get right with God. I couldn’t help but feel guilty for neglecting
God throughout my time in depression I do not know if I blamed him or I just like to reject. But I
felt that in order for me to get my life together I needed God to be the center. One day on campus
I felt so convicted with a longing to be with God again. I locked myself in a study room on
campus and cried out to God for forgiveness. Almost Immediately I felt my burdens elevated
from my self unto Jesus Christ. Christ said in Matthew 11:28 “Come unto me, all ye that labor
and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Now, I’m not saying all my problems vanished. I
still have issues to conquer, but it is reassuring to know that now I’m not trying to fight them on
my own. I have Christ, family, and friends. After this beautiful realization I decided to take life
full on. I kept up with my health routine, and I lost ten pounds! I started focusing more on my
education and started to excel in my classes. So far I’ve had nothing less than an A minus. And
most importantly I triumphantly defeated depression. K.O!
Would it be weird to say I’m glad that I had depression? I wouldn’t wish this sickness on
anyone, even the people I detest the most. But when you conquer an illness like depression it just
makes you so much stronger. I could have quit or be content in the situation I was in, but I said
screw that. I’m here for a purpose and it’s not to be pitied all my life. Now, I feel like I can take
on anything even an incoming train. I haven’t been this motivated to excel since elementary
school. What I learned through my depression is that God designed me to be strong, intelligent,
and resilient in all situations. And I know he wouldn’t allow me to go through anything I
could not overcome. I am happy to say that I Stephanie Chukwu will make it. Failure,
she has no longer has any hold over me.