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Learning Journal

Autor:   •  January 1, 2018  •  2,471 Words (10 Pages)  •  764 Views

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- Week 6

Mid semester break is over but class starts. Lab session starts again. The life of a science student revolves around labs. There was no biology lab session conducted this week hence Tuesday is a self declared holiday for me. Hooray ! I wish there was no lab session for chemistry as well but there is a lab session for chemistry every Monday. Monday blues for all of us including me. From the AMU 1018 lecture this week, I was taught how to read critically. Crititical reading is a fundamental in science field. Asking myself several questions after reading some materials is a form of critical thinking. Questions like “ What the author is trying to potray?” or “ What is the main argument in that particular article?

- Week 7

IDEA experiment 2 for Chemistry is on this week. Some readings on the experiment is done so that mistakes from IDEA experiment 1 is not repeated. Preparing myself for the experiment helps me to be prepared to answer the questions given in our proformas. I had acquired some reading skills since young and this makes reading easy for me. Most students would read the materials given word by word. I do that but when time is limited I skim and scan the reading materials. Skimming and scanning is much faster than reading it word by word. I skim to get the overall impression of the material and it actually works with factual material. Since I’m a science student, I deal with factual materials most of the time hence skimming is an easy task for me. Scanning is also a useful tool to speed up reading. When scanning, only specific information is being searched. I learnt this reading skills in the last semester in ATS 1017 and in the unit AMU 1018 I was taught again about this reading skills. Learning how to read academically in university is important as it helps me to save a lot of time.

- Week 8

I’m super excited for this week as I’ll be dissecting a frog this week. I’ve dissected frogs during my pre university level so I’ve experienced in dissecting a frog. Each group was given a frog to dissect and we were to share among our team members. Some students are afraid to dissect or fear blood are exempted for this lab session. One of my group member did not turn up for this lab session and I only found out from his friends that he is afraid of dissection. He did not at least inform me that he is not coming. I believe we should all have a sense of responsibility to inform our group members if we were to be absent. While dissecting the frog, the group opposite my bench was making a lot of noises while they were dissecting. The frog that they were dissecting moves and they make a scene over it. Making a scene over a moving frog is so unprofessional to me. The frog still can moves although it is dead. We are biology students and of course we know why it moves. I still don’t understand why they need to make a scene over it. If we were to work in the laboratory in the future we have the responsibilty to maintain and promote standards of excellence in our profession. Making a scene over small matter does not display high standards of excellency. I’ll be having my biotechnology assestment quiz on the following week and I have started revising on the topics that would be tested on.

- Week 9

No lab session on Monday ! HOORAY!! Our chemistry experiment got delayed to week 11 so there is no lab session for week 9 and 10. That’s awesome cause I got extra time to sleep in. Biotechnology assessment quiz is on Monday and I did well on it. The questions was easy so almost all of the students did well on it. We were supposed to hand in our poster for biotechnology as well before our tutorial clas begins. We are required to make a A3 poster on the topic Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO). I was able to apply what I have learn from AMU 1018 and ATS 1017 in my assignments. Proper citing and referencing was done. I also learn how to find a reliable source for my assignments from proper websites. I felt contented as all my hardwork paid off when I obtained high marks for my assignments.

- Week 10

This week biology lab session would be on microbiology where I would be exposed to E.coli bacteria. All of us are required to ensure our safety while conducting this experiment as E.coli can be spread. Gloves should be worn at all times and we were required to wash our hands cleanly before leaving the laboratory. I learn how to streaked a bacteria on the agar plate and proper streaking method. Listening to instructions is the lab is essential as the lab demonstraters taught us how to streak the agar properly without killing the bacteria. I was taught how to stain the bacteria as well so that I would be able to identify the characteristics of the bacteria under microscopy. I handed in my assignments for AMU 1018 this week regarding an essay on the key factors and effect of a successful individual on education. Academic writing is applied on this assignment. I learnt how to write academically based on what the lecturer taught me how to do so. Past experiences also is used to write a good essay.

- Week 11

Nothing much is going this week in campus as it is already week 11. It’s week 11 and I still have assignments going on. Can’t the lecturer actually understand us that we need time to study? Making us doing assignments at the end of the semeseter is not a good thing to do. I need to rush and finish up all my assignments so that I can focus on my studies. I know that assignments are important as well but handing it at week 12 is a bit too much for me. Assessment for biotechnology is on week 12 and I am not prepared for it as I was busy doing assignments. I manage my time really well for the past few weeks but not this week. I feel the time given is not sufficient at all. I learn that revision and editing is important when producing a work. This is to ensure that I will be handing in a work that is precise, accurate and clear to the lecturer. And the grades that I get reflects on how much effort I had put into my essay writing. Before handing up a work, it is important to profreead the work to make sure everything is complete.

- Week 12

It is the last week of the semester and everyone is busy preparing for finals including me. Lecturers are busy preparing us for examinations as well. Past year papers are discussed during lectures and tutorial to give us better understanding on what we have learnt throughout the whole semester. Specific areas, keywords and exam style questions were discussed. Everything that has been learnt throughout this


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