Autor: Jannisthomas • November 23, 2018 • 1,086 Words (5 Pages) • 688 Views
A Non-quality is:
A non-compliance with a requirement specified in contractual documents
A failure to meet a generally accepted implicit, legitimate and reasonable expectation of the Carmaker, related to the intended purpose of the Supply, and taking into account the prevailing situation and the environment.
It may therefore reflect the disturbance induced by a Supply to one or more other Supplies.
N.B.: where applicable, the generally accepted implicit expectation will be specified by the Parties. The Parties will agree in good faith the analysis required in order to identify the cause(s) and to determine the share of responsibility. In case of interpretation difficulties, the Parties will refer to the Supply acceptance dossier.
See article 4.4 below.
Pending (or ND) status
Status of the Supply for which the Parties have been unable to agree on the responsibility or its rate.
This term equally designates a vehicle, a Service Part, an equipment, a software, or an accessory marketed by the Carmaker, the Product being made up of one or several Supplies.
Proposed-accepted component and/or supplier
Component and/or supplier selected by Buyer and accepted by Seller.
PSA, PSA Group
Means Peugeot S.A. and its Affiliates, Peugeot S.A. being the holding company of the PSA Group.
Means the supply agreement (as defined in Section 1 of the GTC) signed by the Parties which sets forth the terms and conditions under which Buyer buys the Supply.
Repair under Warranty
Designates any work performed on a vehicle:
under the warranty bought by Buyer from Seller
under Campaigns carried out by the Carmaker
in order to repair or correct any Non-quality of the Supply, and notably any work to repair, correct or replace the Supply, as well as any Consequential Parts.
Representative Sample
Collection of Supplies, or of Non-qualities, having led to warranty claims, which belong to the same Group of Supplies and which are used to determine its Technical Factor (TF). The size of the Representative Sample is determined according to the Implementation Procedures (ref. 01272_14_00013, section 1).
”Seller” corresponds to the Party which sells Supplies to Buyer as identified in the Contract.
Seller Analysis
Technical analysis of each Supply belonging to the Representative Sample; it is to be carried out by Seller in compliance with the Investigation Procedure approved by Buyer and Seller.
Any Good, device, material, assembly or subassembly, or any industrial operation performed on a Good or device, assembly or subassembly, delivered by Seller to the Carmaker for mass production or as a Service Part, and which is covered by a Contract.
Warranty Intervention
Any Repair under Warranty performed to restore a vehicle to operating condition, as well as any work, service or charge detailed as "costs" covered in article 3.3 of the present document.