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Research Proposal Outline and Guide

Autor:   •  July 31, 2017  •  1,427 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,012 Views

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findings which are closely related to the present study under investigation. It is in this framework

where the present research problem under study evolved.

2. Authors of these theories and principles must be cited properly by the proponents. As much as

possible, research findings and theories should be correct.

Conceptual Framework

1. The conceptual framework is the schematic diagram which shows the variables included in the


2. Arrows and/or lines should be properly placed and connected between boxes to show the

relationship between the independent and dependent variables.

3. The manner by which the independent and dependent (including the moderating variable/s if

any) variables will influence the results of the study must be clearly discussed by the proponents.

Operational Framework

1. An operational framework only becomes necessary if some variables from the conceptual

framework will be omitted by the proponents to fit the study being undertaken.

2. Like a conceptual framework, the operational framework must also show arrows and/or lines

which clearly depict the relationship between the specific variables included in the study.

Hypothesis/Proposition of the Study

1. In this section, the researchers offer a hypothesis or an educated guess as to what the possible

answer is to the research problem identified. It is important to note that this hypothesis has to be

empirically proven or statistically tested for veracity.

2. For certain studies which do not require a hypothesis to be made, a proposition may instead be

made by the researchers. In broad terms, a proposition is also a possible answer to a research

problem or scientific question but it requires no statistical testing.

3. Both a hypothesis and a proposition are based on prior research, reasonable assumptions, and

documented correlative evidence of the variables under investigation.

Assumptions of the Study

1. Assumptions refer to a proposition of some occurrences that may be considered in eliminating

the area of the study.

2. It is a proposition which a researcher asserts based on his own intuition, experience, and

observations but which may not yet be scientifically proven. It is adopted as a premise to the

solution of the problem envisioned for the study.

Operational Definition of Terms

1. The terms to be operationally defined are those used throughout the study; they may be a word or

a phrase, usually taken from the title, the problem statement, or hypothesis.

2. The terms should be arranged in alphabetical order and the definitions should be stated in

complete sentences.

3. It is key for researchers to remember that the terms used in the study may connote a different

meaning from its conceptual or dictionary definition; an operational definition is therefore

necessary so that the terms being defined in this section are given a meaning from the context of

how it was used in the study.


Research Locale

1. This section discusses the place or setting from where the study will be undertaken. It describes

in brief the place where the study is conducted. Only important features which are deemed to

influence the study are described.

2. The target population may be discussed in this section.

Research Design

1. This describes the research mode chosen by the proponents. It denotes the overall strategy that is

chosen by the proponents to integrate the different components of the study in a coherent and

logical fashion.

2. Possible research designs include true- or quasi-experimental, descriptive, explanatory-causal,

correlational, evaluative, comparative, or action.

Sampling Design

1. This section describes the target population and the sample frame.

2. It specifies the sampling technique used and how the sample size is determined.

Research Instrument

1. This section explains the specific type of research instrument used such as a questionnaire,

checklist, questionnaire-checklists, structured interview, teacher-made test, or a standardized

instrument which are adopted or borrowed with permission from the author or other sources.

2. The parts of the instrument/s should be explained and what bits of information are derived.

3. The establishment of reliability and validity should be explained and only experts should be



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