To Inc or Not to Inc - the Meaning of Tattoos Among Collage Students
Autor: Jannisthomas • March 8, 2018 • 1,068 Words (5 Pages) • 727 Views
So what where the results of the research?
- “A total of 195 (43.1%) respondents have one or more tattoos. A greater percentage of women (46.1%) have tattoos than men (36.8%).
- Among the 38 respondents (19.7% of the total) who get their first tattoo before the age of 18, eleven (71.1%) have parental per mission.
- Respondent were thinking about first tattoo for months, while those who under 18 took less time to think about it.
- Most students got their first tattoo because of Spontaneous self-distinction: means of spontaneous self-expression; Internal factor.
- Tattooing likely is a part of the still-emerging mainstream of young adult culture, as a large number of respondents, 43.1%, have at least one tattoo.” (To Ink Or Not To Ink: The Meaning Of Tattoos Among College Students)
To get tattooed or not to get is a question of personal choice of each individual. But I think that it must be the very important reason for doing it so not to regret in future. Because tattoo isn't a bag we can or cant take with us for walking. Its permanent and to vanish it will cost enough efforts. College is a time of frequent role changes and transitions which offer many opportunities for identity exploration and thus, some students acquire tattoos to reflect this time. Furthermore the survey shows that students spend much time on choosing the sketch and thinking about the meaning of the body art. Drawings are mostly not means something impolite or going against the norms of society. They don’t insult people that look at them. It is just the way of self-expressing. It is good that majority understand it. Parents allow their children to make tattoos being under 18.
Actually it is your choice and you should understand that everyone is different. Our peers, employers, family, superiors, even strangers that you walk past can automatically judge someone. Tattoos have been predominantly linked with a rebellious attitude and pictured on out of control stereotypes. The times when only bikers, gang members or prisoners had tattoos has gone. And nowadays those who have a tattoo mostly are not criminals. We all know that it is more difficult to find a job if you have some kind of body art. It is wrong. Why not to employ a person who has a symbol of luck, longevity or wealth printed on his hand? We are still not gone through it. Anyway tattoos have come a long way in society and will continue to develop throughout today’s society.