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Strategies Helpful for a College Student

Autor:   •  October 10, 2017  •  Creative Writing  •  813 Words (4 Pages)  •  810 Views

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Strategies helpful for a college student


Although it is possible to learn through other channels, reading remains the basis of learning. During our university stage, the study material is quite large, which means we have to make for hours of reading comprehension.

To perform a productive reading, the first thing to consider is the concentration. Concentration means saying no to multi-task. To read we need to focus all our attention on one thing, reading. This also means finding a suitable environment, free sounds, distractions and with the right light. Only in this way we can move forward in this process.

The key to achieving outstanding speed is to reduce the movement of our eyes when reading. We need to prioritize speed. We will use a guide to avoid getting lost. We need to increase our field of vision. We should not read in high voice nor ourselves: This reduces your ability to read 250 words per minute because our brain is faster than our language.

It is important to take into consideration the type of text that you face and what is your goal to read it to determine if you really need a detailed reading or you can simply read the text above and make the main ideas. Once we have read we ask whether we have met the objectives we had to read it. What I can remember? Have I given answers to my questions? How does this relate what I read with what you already know? What have I learned?

The mnemonic techniques are strategies used to remember information that are often very personal. They function as a "mnemonic" that allow us to associate something specific to what we want to remember. Some techniques are to form a word using the initials of the first words from a list to remember all the points or memorize a series of pictures or funny pictures, use a song, etc.

To recall the information is necessary to codify what they are studying in long-term memory. For this, a very effective technique is to progressively deepen a concept starting to read the definition of the key term, then that term study and then delve into a more expanded definition. Repeat this process several times it favors memorization.

When you face a new and unknown material study, you think first how you can relate it to what you know. By establishing relationships between new ideas and previously existing memories you will get much better remember the new information.

Visualization is one of the techniques most used and best results gives us. It is therefore important to look at the images (photos, diagrams, and graphics), use colors and symbols, making mental maps, personal drawings, etc. Anything that evokes us remember it.

Research suggests that reading voice information significantly improves memorization process. Educators and psychologists have found that when students teach new concepts to others enhances their understanding


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