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Transport Strategy of Russia

Autor:   •  August 7, 2017  •  1,585 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,168 Views

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One of the highly prioritized goals is improving safety of transportation, which stands for increasing safety of vehicles movement, providing effective activity of emergency rescue services and achieving appropriate safety level of transport infrastructure. The desired level of safety would also allow to increase national security and to effectively prevent terrorist activities.

Apart from direct improvement of transport facilities, appropriate legislation and regulatory tools are of a great importance, which include development of access systems, for example licensing and declaring.

The last main goal is regulation of ecological influence of transport. Within last years, ecological issues have become one of the most debated and argued topic. Nevertheless, the majority of world governments agrees with necessity to undertake certain actions in this area. In its turn, Russia is aimed to create conditions for decreasing transport influence on ecology and keeping in line with global standards.

It is supposed to develop and take into action legislation and regulatory mechanisms that would motivate transport owners to switch to more eco-friendly fuel and to decrease fuel consumption. Rationalization of transport routs would also help to reduce consumption level.

Talking about logistics instruments that can help Russia to achieve its goals, I want to mention intelligent transportation systems or ITS. In the modern world ITS is the new trend in science, technology, economics and business, which is considered to be the most effective tool to solve different transport problems and to create new industries.

In Russia ITS could be the catalyst of economic development, providing accomplishment of the goals set in transport strategy 2030. It is reasonable to describe ITS as fundamental transport ideology as it most effective if being implemented in every sphere of transport system. Nevertheless, in Russian reality it is especially important for sea transport, which is integral part of international trade of Russia. It comes without saying, that cargo owner appreciates at first place timely and rhythmic delivery of goods to consignee, conducted at door-to-door principle and with high quality. When capacity of transport facilities is rather high, to satisfy the consignor it is necessary to monitor every transport flow, every ship and every cargo. Thus, implementation of intelligent control systems is highly recommended. To realize the transport potential of out country, usage of which stays at 20% level today, it is needed to bring transport system of Russia to conformity with international transport channels, consequently, increasing competitiveness of transport system. To achieve this conformity it is necessary to optimize and modernize the activity of important transport hubs with implementation if ITS.

Taking into account the gap between development of ITS in Russia and in developed countries, the implementation of ITS, first of all, means shadowing international experise and usage of foreign ITS products tailored for Russian reality. It is worth mentioning, that universal implementation of ITS is impossible without governmental support, as there should be legitimately regulated and needs access to spheres, available only for government, for example, traffic control system of cities.

One of the secondary advantages of ITS implementation is stimulation of technically sophisticated industries, as it could potentially become a profitable business.

In a whole, development and implementation of Russian ITS would increase efficiency and effectiveness of transport management, cut down overheads on cargo and passenger transportation and accelerate development of transport, communicational and informational systems.

Estimated result of transport ITS implementation, based on historical data of Western Europe, USA and China ammounts to 10% GDP growth, 30% reduction of transport accidents, 20% reduction of fuel consumption and 5% employment growth, which indicated overall rise of Russian economy and standard of life.




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- Панамарева О. Н Интеллектуальные транспортные системы – инструмент повышения эффективности экономики в целом // Общество: политика, экономика, право – 2012 - №2




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