Student Lessons
Autor: Tim • November 8, 2017 • 3,972 Words (16 Pages) • 808 Views
Read Luke 4:38-41
- On this same Sabbath Day, a day rest, how did Jesus spend:
- His morning? (v42) he preached his woord
- His afternoon? (v38) he heiled the lame
- His evening? (v40) he prayed
- The expelled demons knew who Jesus was. Why do you think Jesus ordered them not to proclaim His identity? (v41) he didn’t want it to look like they worshiped him
- What rest did Jesus want on this day of rest?to be left alone
Read Luke 4:42-44
- Where did Jesus go the next morning? To the timpale
- Why did He leave? (See also Mark 1:35) he was upset with what he found there
- What did the local people want Jesus to do? (v. 42) to heal the sick
- Why did Jesus refuse? It was not his time to be seen What did Jesus consider His most important task? To follow gods word
- What do you think is the most important task of the church today? To bring people to faith
- What would you say the most important task for you as a Christian? To spread gods word
- In Class: What was Jesus running from? What was He running toward?
Read Luke 5:12-16
- Describe the man’s disease and its seriousness. He was bleeding he was going to die
- Did this man have faith in Christ? Explain your answer. No he was reluctant
- Why do you think Jesus touched him? To satisfie him
- Why do you think Jesus said, “Don’t tell anyone”? (v14) he was not ready to be heard about
- What did the man healed of leprosy do next? (See also Mark 1:45) What did Jesus do next? (v16) he bows to jesus
- Is it important for you to make special attempts to spend time alone with God? Why or why not? (to be discussed in class)
Read Luke 5:17-20.
In this section, we are introduced to the Pharisees and what their agenda was.
- What does the word, “Pharisee” mean? In class: What three roles did the Pharisees have?
- A.
- B.
- C.
- In class: How did they consider the interpretations and church traditions in relation to Scripture?
- What was Jesus doing on this day in this house? (v17) he was doing campentry
- Describe the paralytic man and his friends if one messes up he must be confronted
Read Luke 5:21-26
- Blasphemy means claiming for oneself what belongs only to God. The power to forgive sins is God’s alone. Did Jesus blaspheme?
- What was the most serious sin according to the Pharisees? god Pretending to be
- In what three ways did Jesus demonstrate His divine power?
- - sighs
- –fofillment of prophesy
- – healing people
- Which is easier to say: “Your sins are forgiven” or “Get up and walk.”? Explain your answer.
- What invisible things did Jesus see? What visible things did the Pharisees NOT see?
Lesson 5 Calling of the First Disciples
One of the first steps that Christ took in forming His church on Earth was to call those who will need to be trained to lead…after He leaves.
Read Luke 5:1-11
- What did the people want from Jesus? To be saved
- Why would Peter not want to obey Jesus’ command to let down the nets? He was a skilled profeshinal
- Why did Peter obey Jesus? Out of spite
- What was the result of Peter’s obedience? He was rewarded with fish
- Why did Peter react the way he did (v.8)? he was shocked
- Do you think Peter’s response pleased Jesus? Why or why not? Yes he was awstuck
- What do you think Jesus saw in Peter and his companions that made Him to want them? He saw respect
Read Luke 5:27-32 and Matt. 9:9-13
- What was Levi’s occupation? A taxcolecter
- Describe Levi’s reputation not a good one Why might Levi be reluctant to obey Jesus’ call? Jesuse was the only one who liked him
- Levi held a great banquet to celebrate his call into the ministry. Why do you think he was happy about his call? It gave him a second chance
- Why do you think Levi invited tax collectors and other “sinners?” he came for the sinners
- Why did the Pharisees have such a problem with Jesus dining with these people? (ESV see note on Mk 2:16: for the NIV check the note on Mk 2:15) he was supposed to be richus
- Review Luke 5:31-32. Is it better to be “righteous” or a “sinner”? Why? Sinner then u know u need help
Lesson 6 Sending Out of the Twelve (Test Drive)
After Christ called His disciples, He equips them. Not only does He give them the authority to perform exorcisms and miracles, but He gives them wisdom to guide them along their way.
Read Matt. 10:1-10
- What did the message Jesus told the disciples to preach, “The Kingdom of Heaven is near,” or “The Kingdom of heaven is at hand” mean? (see note on Mt 3:2) the world will end
- The miracles that Jesus gave His disciples power to perform were the same kind that Jesus had been performing. How would that fact help the cause of the gospel? It is still god