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Public Communications

Autor:   •  October 30, 2017  •  1,647 Words (7 Pages)  •  682 Views

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● Inspire the graduates in their future work.

● In some instance, it is a platform for a major figure to make a major policy statement.


● Is a speech presented at t he beginning of an organization’s conference or convention that is designed to inspire participants in their work and generate enthusiasm among them.


● Speeches are presented to celebrate national holidays or anniversaries of important dates and events.

● The goals of these speeches are:

● To remind the audience of the background of the particular holiday, date, or event.

● To draw some conclusion about its significance that inspired the audience.


● Choose a topic that is appropriate to you as a speaker, the audience, and the occasion.


● Gather enough materials for your speech.

● Make an outline of your speech.

● Use verbal and non-verbal supporting materials in developing the body of the speech.

● Develop and write an impressive introduction of your speech.

● Write a thought provoking conclusion of the speech.

● Rehearse and rehearse for perfection.

Some tips for effective Delivery

1. Direct eye contact with audience to show interest on them.

2. Facial expression should be on the “happy” side

3. Hands should be relaxed

4. Check your visual posture

5. Have a positive attitude

6. Speak with an audible voice, good diction, pronunciation & enunciation.

7. Deliver your speech with a signature style that is full of self confidence.

Taboos in Speech Delivery

1. Making faces, staring at the ceiling, floor or wall.

2. Giggling

3. Wetting lips frequently

4. Putting tongue out

5. Crackling knuckles

6. Putting hands in pocket

7. Fiddling with buttons, ball pens, keys, coins, hair etc.

8. Constantly shifting from one foot to another

9. Swaying from side to side, socking backward and forward

10. Feet too wide apart or too close together


11. Putting thumbs under the belt.

Stage Fright

● Stage fright is a normal state of anxiety and arousal; a combination of fear and excitement which is normal for any speaker or communicator.

“Your Speech Making Skills also affect your ability to change people’s minds….”

How do we know if we are suffering stage fright?

1. Butterflies in the stomach

2. Dry mouth

3. Rapid breathing

4. Trembling hands, weak knees, unsteady voice

5. Perspiration


Are there treatments for stage fright? Here are 15 ways ☺

1. Understand your stage fright

2. Talk about your stage fright

3. Combat your fear of the audience

4. Be prepared

5. Tell yourself “If God is with me, then who can be against me.”

6. Practice, practice, practice.

7. Check the venue where you will deliver a talk.

8. Burn up! Jog around the area but don’t overdo it.

9. Get a good sleep.

10. No last minute practice, just relax.

11. Pause before you deliver your speech.

12. Avoid unnecessary gestures and body movements.

13. Ask a friend to be one of your audience so you will feel relax and confident.

14. Project a positive image.

15. Believe in yourself and you will survive the entire speech presentation.

Remember to Show

- Skills

- Development

- Compatibility

- Vision

- Excitement

Types of interviews

- Telephone

- Group

- Panel

- One-On-One

- On-Campus

- On-Site

- Sequential

- Behavioural

- Stress



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