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The History of the Holocaust

Autor:   •  February 14, 2018  •  1,243 Words (5 Pages)  •  592 Views

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Jews in the Concentration Camps

When the Jews were deported to the concentration camps many of them were deported to Auschwitz, they were also told that it would a safe haven, a place better than the ghettos they were in, but as soon as deportation started they were treated as if they weren’t citizens, as if they didn’t have a soul in them. Once they arrived to the concentration camp they were separated from their family; women, children, and elderly to one line╾ the line of terror╾ and in the other line were the young men and the men who had the strength to work in the concentration camps. The women, children, and the elderly were cremated right away right when they were separated from their family no goodbyes or last words. The people who had survived the selection were given rough cloth clothing, small rations of soup and bread. A normal day in the camp would consist of waking up at 4:00 a.m, praying that nobody stole your shoes during the night. If you were unable to find your shoes you were sentenced to death because you would not be able to work. You must make your bed in a military manner, if failed to do so you would be beaten by the SS, once your bed is made you run to the sanitary building hurrying to reach roll call because you know that the SS would beat the stragglers,sometimes to death. For breakfast you must have your mess-tin, no mess-tin, no food. You would get a piece of bread and a cup of coffee. While receiving your breakfast, the kapos would sometimes have their “fun” by throwing your piece of bread in the mud or they would push you while being served coffee. In any case, you’ll receive nothing more, and you are risking punishment for wasting food. You would go to roll call once again, after roll call you will have to move off the Kommandos to reach work, by walking of course, maybe you would march to the beat of the camp orchestra, or maybe the SS would order your group sing and march to the work camp gates. Once you arrive the beating, insults, and barking begin again and again. In the work camps you would be lucky to get a good tool, if not then you must work with your hands, which means danger, because you wouldn’t be able to work as fast as the guards request. You are order to work 12-14 hours each day. Next, would follow lunch, and then another roll call, then you have dinner. After dinner you go back to barracks to sleep you share a bunk with 5 people to one bunk, you all share 1 blanket and if somebody wanted to turn everybody would have to turn.

Imagine if we were in the Holocaust, would you be selected as a jew? How would you feel if you were selected to live, but your parents weren’t lucky enough to stay with you and see you grow up or see what the future holds before you. People don’t realize that the Holocaust was a depressing time during World War II, many people do not believe that this time period did exist even though there are facts to hold this to be self evident to history itself.


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