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Romeo and Juliet Themes

Autor:   •  March 22, 2018  •  1,412 Words (6 Pages)  •  800 Views

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The themes of duty and loyalty run throughout Romeo and Juliet and are essential motives for many events that occur in the course of the play. We witness this a sense of loyalty from the first scene of the play where the servants are arguing with swords and bucklers, “[Sampson] A dog of the house of Montague moves me [Gregory] To move is to stir, and to be valiant is to stand; therefore if that art mov’d, thou run’st away” (1.1.7) This scene establishes the hostile atmosphere created by the rival families; even the servants hate each other out of duty & loyalty. Duty and loyalty are also displayed through Paris, who loves Juliet dutifully while Juliet is expected to do so to Paris, “Sweet flowers thy bridal bed I stew, - O Woe! They canopy is dust and stones – “ (5.3.15) The friendship between Mercutio, Benvolio and Romeo are another example of loyalty that leads to events of Romeo seeking revenge for Mercutio’s death, “Alive in triumph! And Mercutio slain!” Away to heaven… Either thou or, I, or both, must go with him” (3.1.120-125) Duty also applied to the issue of family honour versus personal gain that can be brought up by the way Juliet was required to listen to her father out of obedience and marry Paris whilst being in love with Romeo, “I pray you, tell my lord and father… Rather than Paris. Those are news indeed!” The idea is presented is that one has duty to follow the beliefs and values even though you do not believe in them, Romeo and Juliet are able to break away from them Romeo is one such case where he decides he would rather abandon his family identity than his beloved Juliet, “I take thee at thy word, Call me but love, and I’ll be new baptiz’d, Henceforth never will I be Romeo” (2.2.5) Duty and loyalty are also shown between Romeo and Friar Lawrence and the sense of duty Friar Lawrence and the sense of duty Friar Lawrence could feel towards Romeo exemplifying the fatherly relationship they have. Loyalty and duty are another themes other than love that is displayed throughout the play of Romeo and Juliet.

More than ‘love’ is explored in the play of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ as love is explored in various ways by the characters, but ‘fate’ is also seen as we witness the characters foreshadow their deaths ultimately leading themselves to their deaths. ‘Duty and Loyalty’ is also discovered as it is an essential purpose for many events that take place throughout the progression of the play. Assessment


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