Romeo and Juliet
Autor: Joshua • February 6, 2018 • 718 Words (3 Pages) • 703 Views
how this love is purer and different to that of Rosaline, as pilgrims go to find themselves and seek purity implying that Romeo has found himself and been reborn again and has found a pure relationship. Also the use of religion is a contrast to use of sexual imagery with Rosaline.
- ‘Did my heart love till now’ and ‘this love feel I’ – Both are similar implying the relationship is similar to that of Rosaline’s showing Romeo is just being fickle.
- Structure point – It is a Shakespearian sonnet, symbolize that the couple complete each other as united they make a sonnet; Without each other they ae not complete.
The sonnet is odd as it is abab cbcb rather than abab cdcd. What Romeo says Juliet takes her lead from that, showing Juliet as a naive girl who is taken in by Romeo, who doesn’t have the maturity to make her own sonnet but is drawn in by Romeo due to the fact she copies his line endings. But this could also be seen as Romeo influencing as inexperienced lover, who has a lack of knowledge for love, which makes it less pure. (‘you kiss by thy book’)
o Socially defined
- ‘To beautify him only lacks a cover’ – reference to Juliet and Paris
- ‘But no more deep will I endart mine eye than your consent gives strength to make it fly.’ – connotations of an arrow = reference to cupids arrow and falling in love implying only LC is making the relationship happen and it is not what Juliet wants
CONTEXT - The name Paris shows socially defined love because the ‘Paris’ in Greek mythology was invited to party by Zeus in which he picked any girl he wanted showing lack of choice for the girls. This is intertextuality.