Persuasion Final
Autor: Tim • June 5, 2018 • 5,397 Words (22 Pages) • 699 Views
- Deadlines are sacrosanct in any business and they will be in this class too. Late work will result in a downward adjustment of one letter grade per day it is late.
Grade Breakdown
93-100% = A
90-92 = A-
87-89 = B+
84-86 = B
80-83 = B-
77-79 = C+
74-76 = C
70-73 = C-
67-69 = D+
64-66 = D
60-63 = D-
Below 60 = F
INSTRUCTION: This course will include lectures, guest speakers, practical assignments, class discussion and periodical reviews. All readings and assignments are to be typed and completed in advance of class meetings.
Assignment Overview
_ _ Points Due Date
Assignment #1A Sponsorship Proposal Topic & Corporate Contact 5 Sep. 19
Assignment #1B Draft Proposal and cover letter for peer review 10 Oct. 10
Assignment #1C Feedback of peer’s proposal (Must be in class) 10 Oct. 10
Assignment #1D Final Sponsorship Proposal and cover letter 100 Oct. 31
Assignment #1E Edit proposal, post & send out with confirmation 5 By Nov. 14
Assignment #1F Proposal Follow-up Analysis 30 By Dec. 12
Assignment #2A Marketing Plan Update (group) 10 Oct. 17
Assignment #2B Marketing Plan Update (group) 20 Nov. 14
Assignment #2C Final Marketing Plan (group), Peer Evaluation 70 Dec. 12
PPT & Presentation
Assignment #3 Press Release Critique 10 Oct. 3
Assignment #4 Digital SMS Assignment 20 Oct. 17
Assignment #5 Sport/Event Trend Memo 20 Nov. 28
Assignment #6 Current News 10 By Dec. 2
Assignment #7 Live Game/Event Experience Analysis 10 By Dec. 12
Assignment #8 Final Assignment 50 Avail. Dec. 13 Due by Dec. 20
Class Participation & Attendance 10
Extra Credit _ 10*
Total Possible 390
*Up to 10 possible points (see below under Extra Credit), **Pop-quizzes may increase this final total
#1 Sponsorship Proposal (Individual Project)
- Propose a company to approach regarding a sponsorship proposal for an event, team, organization, or athlete (property). This assignment must include the full contact information for the person and company to whom you plan to send the proposal (name of person, title, name of company, address, telephone number, email address). The proposal should be for something real, not fictitious. This assignment should also include full contact information of the contact person for the property with whom you are working (entity seeking sponsorship) including name of person, title, name of organization, address, telephone number, and email address. Use the template on blackboard to complete assignment. Refer to The Sports Sponsors Factbook or Sports Market Place Directory in Gelman Library for corporate contact info and/or check the Internet. Be sure to call the company to confirm that the contact information is correct. NOTE: The proposed company should not be an existing sponsor or a competitor of an existing sponsor. Non-profit organizations typically do not sponsor any events other than their own. If the company requires that the proposal be submitted on-line, provide the link as well as provide the contact information for the person responsible for sponsorships in the company.
- Create a sponsorship proposal in PowerPoint and write a cover letter in Word targeted to the company identified in #1A following the format discussed in class and in the Graham textbook. Samples also posted on Blackboard. If the company requires that you submit proposals on-line, complete as instructed and SAVE (do not formally submit yet). You must also submit a hard copy of the cover letter and proposal in the class format. The data requested on-line should be same/similar as required in the proposal. Peer Review will take part in class as indicated in Outline. Hardcopies must be brought to class. *Prior to the peer review, each student must meet with the preceptor to review proposal and cover letter. The proposal and cover letter must be at least 90% complete before your scheduled meeting to make the best use of everyone’s time.
- Each student will be assigned to review a peer’s sponsorship proposal and provide feedback during class. Professor Neirotti will then review peer’s edits and add additional comments as appropriate.
- Students should read and consider all feedback, make appropriate edits, meet with Professor if there are any questions, and submit a final hard copy version of the cover letter and sponsorship proposal to Professor Neirotti and also post on Blackboard under Assignments.
- Professor Neirotti will return proposals with comments. Each student needs to review and consider the feedback and make appropriate edits. Make an appointment with the professor should you have any questions about the feedback. After making these edits, each student needs to mail, e-mail and/or fax the cover letter and proposal to the identified company. If the company requires proposals to be submitted on-line, edit the SAVED electronic proposal as directed by professor and submit. A generic letter from the professor explaining the assignment is on Blackboard that can be attached to your cover letter and proposal. A copy of the final proposal should be posted on Blackboard under Assignments. Make sure you receive permission from the organization/event for whom