Life - Do Not Kill the Innocent
Autor: Tim • February 15, 2019 • 766 Words (4 Pages) • 804 Views
For a fellow human-being depriving a man’s right is unforgivable. Nohuman-being wants to be deprived from his rights.Watching people being killed is such a horrid sight. Hearing people died is such a sad story andthe urban legend about San Juanico Bridge was so heartbreaking and frustrating knowing that alot of innocent children have been killed just to strengthen its foundations. Some says that one ofthe reasons why they used the blood of street children is that, they have no parents and no onewould mind if they will disappears suddenly. But still, whether there’s someone who would careor no one, taking one’s life is such a cruel and harsh thing. They say “Life is so special, powerfuland divine that it can strengthen bridges’ foundation against whatever catastrophy will try to ruinit.” But it is absurd to use the blood of innocents, it is cruel to kill a helpless baby. They’re takinga lot from them. They are taking the ability of the children to play, the pleasure of seeking otherplaymate’s turn in the games, the experience of getting wound in the knees as they play and a
chance to know the essence of regretting something they’ve done and took it as a lesson. It mightsounds simple but when I was a child playing outside is such fulfilling and a wonderful feelingbut they took it from them. They took everything from them.You, you who are reading this, you are lucky enough, because you had the right that had beendenied to those kids. You who had your life in track should be grateful, having a life andachieving your rights is a blessing from the Creator Hinself.