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The Problem of Overcrowded Animal Shelters Leading to Mass Euthanization

Autor:   •  February 24, 2018  •  790 Words (4 Pages)  •  599 Views

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in these areas.

Both of the aforestated problems contribute to the number one reason that so many animals are euthanized, and that is the lack of available space in animal shelters. Very often, on the local evening news there are stories about our local shelters being over crowded and some even filled to capacity with these orphaned, abandoned, or surrendered animals. In addition, one cannot turn on the television without seeing the heart-wrenching commercials showing dogs and cats in shelters across the country that are likewise living in overcrowded shelters. The only way to alleviate the population in these shelters is to adopt the animals coming in and, unfortunately the number of outgoing animals pales in comparison to those coming in. As such the only humane

solution is to euthanize them.

Fingers are often pointed at the animal control officials, county officials or those in city and county administration when the topic of mass euthanization, or over-crowded shelters are discussed. In reality, we as a society are to blame. While many will deny any act of commission that contributes to this problem, I feel that we all are guilty on some level of acts of omission. If everyone would commit a little of their time, resources, volunteer capability and certainly their voices, great strides could be made toward diminishing the number of animals euthanized. I have felt passionate about this problem for years. However, after recent, in depth research, I stand more committed than ever to be at least one small voice for this cause. Please consider joining me in this endeavor to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves, and speak for those that have no voice.


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