animal Farm
Autor: • July 10, 2017 • Creative Writing • 532 Words (3 Pages) • 1,842 Views
Animal Farm is a book that was written by George Orwell and it was published in 1945. The story of this is about a revolution of the animals from Jones’ Manor farm and how a good government was devastated by the corruption of its leader. All start one night, when all the animals were gathered in the barn by a boar called Old Major; at that time, Jones, the owner of the farm, was sleeping because he was drunk. At the reunion, Old Major started to talk about its dream which was about a life where the animals were free of the human tyranny, there the whole animals got excited and motivated for the revolution, days after Old Major died but its ideology was still alive. Then, one day the revolution started and it was commanded by two pigs, the disciples of Old Manor, which were called Napoleon and Snowball; after that they wrote the seven commandment, which could be summarized just in: “Four legs good, Two legs bad”.
The revolution was going successfully, they produced more than Jones’ time, and they didn´t have to be punished. However one day, Jones and his men tried to retake the farm, but thanks to Snowball ideas it was avoided and for that Snowball and Boxer, the most powerful horse in the farm, were called Animals heroes of first class. But all the prosperity ended when Napoleon took the power by expelling Snowball which was chased by dogs which were trained by Napoleon, Snowball didn’t died but it didn´t appear in the farm, anymore.
There all the problem started, Napoleon stole the idea of Snowball, and ordered to build a windmill, all the animals worked hard to could have the windmill in a less time, however when in was finally finished a second attempt to retake the farm destroyed the windmill , nevertheless the animals didn’t lose the farm. But in order to earn money to build the windmill again, Napoleon started to do deals with Mr. Whymper who will be an intermediary between the farm and the outside world, and like this Napoleon started to sell hen’s eggs and reduced the food of this animals, it was almost similar as Jones’ time. One day, Boxer tried to carry a big amount of stones by itself, but when it came to the windmill it fell down, its lung was not so good, days after it died but the mystery was that one day before it died, Boxer was taken to the veterinary by a car which had this label: “Horse Slaughterer and Glue Boiler”, however Squealer, a close friend of Napoleon, convinced to the animals that it was not the true story.
The day passed and the farm was more similar to the old Jones’ farm; the pigs started to drink alcohol and to wear the clothes of Jones, and also they started to walk in two legs, and secretly they changed the commandments to “Four legs good, Two legs better”. So all the effort of the rest of animals was