Better Alternative to Google Pay-Per-Click for Generating Leads?
Autor: • June 28, 2017 • Case Study • 684 Words (3 Pages) • 975 Views
Better Alternative to Google Pay-Per-Click for Generating Leads?
Well I got a call from a guy the other day who introduced himself as “Ulyses”. Ulyses wanted to know if I had ever heard of “”. I hadn’t.
Turns out that is a search engine. Not just a search engine. This is a search engine that kicks major butt!
I can’t believe I’ve never heard of this before.
Ulyses took me through a demonstration on the phone, with me at my computer and I was very impressed.
First, simultaneously searches Google, Yahoo, and MSN and displays results for all three in a very comfortable to look at, easy to follow display.
It puts three “news” results from MSN right at the top, just under the three paid links (these I supposed could be considered synonymous with Google’s pay-per-click ads, but they are not pay-per-click, more in a moment).
Then the list of results, with a convenient little toggle button just to the right of the list which allows you to instantly swap out all the Google results listings for the Yahoo listing, or the MSN, back and fourth instantly. This is pretty neat!
My favorite aspect of is the search results display for videos.
The videos come up as thumbnails, similar to the way they come up on Google and Yahoo but the cool part is that when you mouse your cursor over the thumbnail the thumbnail starts playing the video within about one second, or at least it did the day I was experimenting. So I could just move my mouse over each one to see for a short bit whether there was any content I was interested in, and if not I could just slide on over to the next one with0ut having to click anything or waiting for a new page to open up or for it to load. I think this is pretty sweet. Some may say that I’ve just gotten way to lazy. That is a definite possibility but I work on the internet all day and I feel the need… the need for speed!
So, to the main point of this article: The folks at have decided not to offer pay-per-click advertising(this is according to Ulyses), but instead they just sell you a top-position link which is guaranteed to come up when someone searches for the exact key words that you desire. And apparently you own this position forever. So every time that someone in the world searches for your keywords, BOOM!, there is your link. Never dies. I think he said it was $5.00 per year to renew but we covered a lot of information.
So, this certainly eliminates the need to spend the time to figure out your pay-per-click budget each week or month or whathaveyou. You are stuck with those keywords however, forever. Oooh. Just imagine if you bought something like “MLM leads”,