The Problem of Kleptomania Among Young Generations.
Autor: Sharon • October 5, 2017 • 2,504 Words (11 Pages) • 1,099 Views
The first solution is the collaboration between parents of the patient and the doctor is very important part of the therapy. The reaction of the parents does not have to make the situation worse. Instead, they need to understand that their child is suffering from a disorder. Doctor’s goal is to find the symbolic reason, which makes the child steal. Consequently, people will find a proper approach to decrease the temptation of a child. (Pulkit. Sh., 2011). It is for sure that parents who have watched numerous serials, programs about health and have read several psychological books, do pretend as if he or she knows a lot, but it does not mean that parents are good doctors. In some cases, there can be distrust to the doctor from the parent’s side. Therefore, parents and physician judge each other constantly, but this is a dysfunctional form of communication. On the other hand, setting up an effective communication and forming a team are very powerful tools to help children to succeed in the treatment. Patients spend most of their time at home or colleges. When doctor and parents are allies, their influence on children is very powerful indeed. The advantage of this solution is in its polite way. The doctor, parents and the patient are in good relations, the patient is not under the pressure. The disadvantage of this solution is that the medical treatment will last long, in case if the boy or girl will not open his or her mind and share his feelings. In comparison between pros and cons, the positive sides have more importance.
Furthermore, the second solution is to take medical medicines, which have a medium progress in treating system. They are the most common type of medications, which are used to treat kleptomania (Kleptomania, 2009). They consist of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors that help to reduce the urges and pleasure, which is associated with stealing. There is a little scientific research about using psychiatric medications to get over kleptomania. Even though, there is no Food and Drug Administration approved medication for kleptomania, certain medications may help. It is depends on person’s situation and whether he or she has other mental disorders, such as depression or obsessive-compulsive disorder. The doctor, who are specialized in this area may consider, prescribing an antidepressant, specifically a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Advantages of it is these medications have also been found to successfully treat other impulse control disorders such as trichotillomania, pathological gambling, binge eating, and compulsive buying. Antidepressant medications include fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, naltrexone and (Kleptomania, 2009). The next advantage is that they can suppress urges and provide temporary relief to the problem. The disadvantages are in the cost of the pills, the addiction and the possibility of allergic reaction on the ingredients. Some of them can have a reaction, which might cause bad consequences. One more disadvantage is that these medications have numerous side effects that can lead to depression. As you may notice, the positive outcome of taking antidepressants is more suitable for major part of patients rather than negative sides of this solution.
The best solution for health problem, related to psychological disorder is a cognitive- behavioral therapy. Nowadays, these cognitive behavioral therapies have achieved mixed results. The therapy involves two important theories of Psychology: behaviorism and cognitive therapies into one theory, which comprises the best of both disciplines. According to Williams (2015), cognitive behavioral therapy helps individuals to overcome his or her fear by changing unhelpful thought approaches and teaching them to manage his or her physical reactions to distress. In addition, according to the National Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists, the idea that our thoughts cause our feelings and behaviors, not external like people, situations and events (Sierra Tucson, 2015). The benefit of this fact is that an individual can create a new way of thinking, to feel or act better even if the situation does not change. In this case, this method of treatment is able to relieve both the physical and emotional components of anxiety disorders. Great Britain’s Centre for Economic Performance found this method has a 50% success rate for all mental illness clients, with depression sufferers, achieving far better results with this therapy than with anti-depressant medications. The study followed 469 patients with treatment-resistant depression picked from general practitioner practices in Bristol, Exeter and Glasgow over 12 months. One group of patients continued with their usual care from their general practitioner, which could include anti-depressant medication, while the second group was also treated with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. After six months, researchers found 46% of those who had received cognitive behavioral therapy only, reported at least a 50% reduction in their symptoms. The research confirms how these approaches - the psychological and physical - can complement each other. This compared with 22% experiencing the same reduction in the other group. The study concluded CBT was effective in reducing symptoms and improving patients' quality of life. The disadvantage is many of these behaviors occur so rarely in the general population, which is getting enough subjects to obtain convincing scientific evidence may be difficult. The advantages are the existence of the great results from the experiments and the availability of the treatment. There is a visible imbalance of cons and pros of cognitive behavioral therapy; consequently, it is the best solution from the kleptomania disease.
In conclusion, Kleptomania is a well-known impulse- control disorder, and a serious mental disorder that requires professional care. It is characterized by stealing items even though the items are not needed for personal use or for their monetary value. The individual experiences a rising sense of tension before the theft and feels pleasure, gratification, or relief when committing the theft. This is one example of thousands, who suffer from such illnesses, but because of a poor understanding of the disease by present day psychiatry and psychology, leads to worse consequences, if it is not identified or properly treated. According to Dr. Herskowitz (2010), individualities constantly struggling with their impulse, which continues to seek reappearance and ruins their potential to live, work and love. It is for sure that there needs to be more controlled behavioral, neurological and pharmacological studies for kleptomania, as well as other impulse control disorders. The first solution is the collaboration between all the participants during the treatment. The advantage is its politeness. The relations are constantly