Teen Pregnancy Proposal
Autor: Sara17 • November 21, 2018 • 1,271 Words (6 Pages) • 794 Views
Presently, under the Abstinence sex education policy, abstinence only education is the only sex education program eligible to receive federal funds. But since there is little scientific proof to back up the fact that abstinence sex education is effective in preventing teen pregnancy and STDs, such a method of education and their eligibility to keep receiving federal funds should be questioned. This project assessed whether the application of comprehensive sex education in schools would tend to reduce teenage pregnancy and STD rates amongst adolescents more efficiently than the abstinence sex education. I found out that teaching comprehensive sex education would reduce the rates among minors.
I anticipate that employing comprehensive sex education across schools all over the nation will typically have lower pregnancy and STD rates among teenagers than implementing abstinence education. Abstinence education leaves many concerned that teenagers will not be exposed to important information about their reproductive and sexual health. Also, they will not know how to find reproductive health services when they become sexually active. To prove the effectiveness of comprehensive sex education, I will conduct an anonymous nationwide survey on teenagers, examine prevention programs across the nation that have a strong experimental strategy, and use appropriate analysis to draw better conclusions on its effectiveness.
Teenagers need accurate information from the right resources about sex education in order to make a right decision about their sexual life. And the only form of education they can get proper information from is comprehensive sex education which the government should fund. After all, knowledge acquired is power; it is very important they get all the necessary information they could get. The implementation of comprehensive sex education in schools will be able to guide them properly through their teenage life. Not only that, based on the evidence and research done by academic scholars, it proves that comprehensive sex education brings more benefits by decreasing the rate of teenage pregnancy.
Work Cited
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