Report Semester Abroad - the University of Westminster
Autor: Jannisthomas • March 7, 2018 • 4,509 Words (19 Pages) • 587 Views
The module is divided into a lecture and a seminar like the other [i]modules. In the lecture the module leader, Karen Kufuor, [j]teaches the content of the different topics in the above-mentioned order. Additionally, students can expand upon their knowledge through the textbook “International Economics” from Dominik Salvatore. In the seminar students have to work on different questions regarding to the current topic as well as present and discuss the latest articles about global economic news. The seminar helps to use and internalise the learned analysis, to build an own opinion and to get [k]informed about what is going on around the world.
As for every module there are two assignments which form [l]the total mark. The first assignment is an individual 2.000 – 2.500 word essay that counts [m]30%. Crucial for the marking scheme is the research, analysis structure and presentation and the conclusion. Students are able to choose one of four tasks. For my individual essay I chose the task “Critically evaluate the impact of trade and technology on production and labour markets in the advanced economies” and [n]achieved 65% (2,0). The second assignment is normally a so-called[o] closed book examination in the exams period in May, but for exchange students it is an open book exam in the middle of December. The examination counts [p]70 % and is divided into Section A and B. In section A, students have to answer five questions across all learning outcomes. They are expected to use examples and diagrams and show a plain understanding about global economy. In Section B students have to write two short essays about two of the seven tasks. I chose the tasks “Critically evaluate the potential benefits of inward foreign direct investment (FDI) for host economies. What factors make a country more attractive for inward FDI?” as well as “Why is it argued that climate change is one of the most challenging global economic problems facing our planet? How should the international community coordinate efforts to mitigate the threat of climate change and who should foot the bill of any interventions?” In the second assignment I was able to gain [q]52% (3,3), so that in the end my mark was about 56% (2,7). [r]
Work Psychology
In this module students get involved with the topics of personality and individual differences, psychometrics, work and wellbeing, unemployment, coaching, discrimination, attitudes and perception, relationships at work, training and learning and careers choice and development. They learn the different psychological theories and perspectives like psychoanalytic, behaviourist approach (classical and operant conditioning), humanistic approach, social cognitive or the type approach. The module analyses the importance of psychology at work as well as the question of how the theories can be used in organisational settings, for example, personality testing, career management or group decision making. (, 2015)
Like for [s]Global Economy students study the content of the topics in the lecture. They have to prepare the weekly seminar as they should read a certain chapter of the textbook, [t]“Work Psychology” from Matthewman, L., Rose A. and Hetherington A. (2009), as well as different articles concerning the specific topic. Students work on several tasks alone or in a group and present their results in the end to the others[u]. The seminar includes many discussions and the conjunction of theoretical knowledge and own experiences from everyday situations.
Work Psychology includes two examinations as assignments. The first so-called [v]in class timed essay takes place in the middle of the semester and counts 30[w]% of the total mark. It is based on the topics that have been discussed so far. Students have to answer one out of three questions in one hour. They are expected to show their understanding of the approaches and theories but also critically evaluate them. Furthermore, they should link theory to practical application. In this exam I got [x]46% (3,7). The second examination is an exam in the beginning of December which counts 70[y]%. It lasts two and a half hours including reading and writing time. The first part includes several short answer questions while students choose two of the [z]five essay questions for the second part. In the second examination I could [aa]achieve 50% (3,3) so that the overall mark was also about [ab]50%.
Project Management
In recent years project management has become a more and more important field in international companies. “Projects are the way modern businesses introduce change to an organisation” (, 2015). Therefore, students have the opportunity to learn, with the module Project Management[ac], the essential practical and technical skills for managing a project successfully. They not just get the[ad] fundamental theory but also work on realistic case studies and get to know the [ae]program “Ms Project”. The topics during the semester are, for example, [af]the project life cycle and how to manage and control a project through its key stages, risk analysis, scheduling resources and costs or the understanding of the role of a project manager. (, 2015)
The module leader, Henryetta Simpson, makes an effort to teach students the essential knowledge in the lecture. In the seminar, students are able to review and practice what they have just learned. For example they discuss, with the seminar leader[ag], what makes a project successful or [ah]how projects have changed with developments, such as, technology, time to markets or higher consumer expectations[ai]. They also have a look at current projects in London or worldwide and perhaps [aj]problems that come along with them. But the seminar does not just intensify the theoretical background, students learn as well through [ak]a lot of practical exercises. For example, they have to do an [al]own network diagram or build, in a group, a tower with [am]paper to learn what it means to be able to work in a team and which roles the different team members assume. Essential reading for this subject includes the book “Project Management – The Managerial Process” by the authors Erik W. Larson and Clifford F. Gray.
Project Management includes one individual and one group assignment. The individual assignment in the end of October is split into two parts. For the first part students have to use their build [an]knowledge to write an 800 to 1000 words essay about the likely qualities of an effective project manager with the usage of a minimum of six sources. The second part requires students to plan an urban landscaping