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Brutus Vs. Antony: Speech Comparison

Autor:   •  December 19, 2017  •  1,280 Words (6 Pages)  •  863 Views

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Caesar’s love for his people. In the will it states that Caesar had left seventy five drachmas for each man as well as gardens and flowers for Rome’s people to enjoy. This gave the plebeians reason to appreciate those pro Caesar, for example Mark Antony, and hate the conspirator who robbed Rome of such a great man. Most importantly is when Antony truly riles up the plebeians to riot. “Show you sweet Caesar’s wounds, poor poor dumb mouths, / And bid them speak for me. But were I Brutus, / And Brutus Antony, there were an Antony / Would ruffle up your spirits and put a tongue / In every wound of Caesar that should move / The stones of Rome to rise and mutiny” (III.ii.218-224). These words coupled with the acts previously listed prove to be the emotional peak. These words truly spark mutiny showing just how emotionally stimulating Antony’s speech was and how anything Brutus would have proposed to ride on the emotions of the people pales in comparison.

Logically Antony conveyed a more convincing argument than Brutus. In fact all of Brutus’s arguments are contradicted by Mark Antony. The main point of Brutus’s speech where he states that Caesar planned to enslave the populace attests to the illogical nature of Brutus’s opinions. “Had you rather Caesar were living and die all slaves, than that Caesar were dead, to live all free men?” (III.ii.23-24). At this point Brutus tries to fabricate that behind closed doors Caesar had a secret agenda that involved the enslavement of the Roman populace. Caesar has no need to enslave the people as he already won their favor. Furthermore, as a high ranking official Caesar required no other means, but the law to accomplish his goals whatever they might be. Mark Antony’s argument unlike Brutus’s points out the easily observable and give evidence; as seen when Brutus claims Caesar is ambitious and Mark Antony refutes. “You all did see that on the Lupercal I thrice presented him a kingly crown, / Which he did thrice refuse” (III.ii.95-96). No one would be able to refute a fact so clearly observed. To turn down a crown is something a truly ambitious man would be unable to refuse, but the fact that Caesar turned down the crown three times shows humble nature. Brutus implies that Caesar was a danger to Rome and Mark Antony denies that listing all of the good things he has done for the Roman people exemplified in the reading of Caesar’s will. “Under Caesar’s seal / To every Roman citizen he gives— / To every several man—seventy-five drachmas”(III.ii.232-234). “Moreover, he hath left you all his walks, / His private arbors and new-planted orchards, / On this side Tiber. / He hath left them you and to your heirs forever” (III.ii.237-240). A man who would leave all his worldly possessions to his citizens is not a treacherous man. Someone who takes the time to think about his people after his passing, is one who truly cares. If you truly care about something you would never put it in jeopardy and certainly never enslave it.

Summarily, overall Brutus’s speech is trifling in comparison to Mark Antony’s speech. By committing murder Brutus’s credibility is diminished unlike Mark Antony whose hands are free of blood. While Brutus shares the similarity of loving Caesar and Rome he is outmatched by Mark Antony who inspires riots in Rome with a tremendously emotionally compelling argument. Finally, the unproven elements of Brutus’s argument are over shone by Antony’s abundantly proven points. Mark Antony’s speech is truly the more effective


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