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Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior Case

Autor:   •  October 21, 2017  •  1,190 Words (5 Pages)  •  893 Views

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Amy writes about three big differences between Chines and Western parental mind-sets.

The first one, is that the way western parents sees their childrns self-estem. They worry about their children will feel if they fail a test or in life, and they are always trying to reassure their children about how good they are, and like a said earlyere they have more focus on their childrens psyches. In contrats to Chiense Parents, they don’t care abut their childrens psyches. They assume strength, not fragility, and as a result they behave very differently. If an western child gets an A-minus, the parents whould be proud of them and praise the child. However the hinese mother would be angry and gasp in horror and ask them what went wrong? Even if the child gets an B the western mother would be proud, because they belive that their child did everything what they could, byt contrats to the chinese mother, she would scream, she would be decastated, and would do hundreds of tests to make sure they get an A next time. The chinese parents belive that their children can get good grades, if they dont, they didn't word hard enough, than the parents would push them even more and more.

The second, Chines parents belives that their kids owe them everything. The reason for that is, that the parents have sacrificed and done so much for them, so they have to pay them back. It's a bad way of thinking, that your child owe you everything. You are the parent, ofcourse you should do anything for them, so they can be happy. They have to learn to do the same things to their own children one day. However it’s a child's job to make their parents proud, and then you have paid your parents.

Amys husband, Jad. Has the opposite view. He says "Children don't choose their parents" - "They don't even choose to be bor. It's parents who foist on their kids, so it's the parents' responsibility to provide for them. Kids don’t owe their parents anyhting. Their duty will be their own kids" This is a kind of a western tahy of thinking, which is more likely than the other one. But also sometimes it is a good idea to remind kids, about what parents are doing for them, and that they also have to give something back - as good grades.

The third, Chines kids are not allowed to get a boyfridn in high school, or go to sleepaway camps, it's because they belives that they know what is best for theit children. Amy writes about a story of a little 7 ol´d girl, Lulu. About how she coulndt play the piano right, and the way her mother did punished her until she could play the "The little white donkey". She punished her, But in her point of view she only motivated her. But in the end she finally did it, and for Amy the worst things you can do for your child's self-esteem it to let them give up, and this is something that everyone should adopted from Chinese methods, because it can help and finally when ypu do it right you get the feeling of that you can do anything, you just have to work very hard for it.

The chinese mothers also believe that they sarifice more for their childrent han the western mothers. But like Amy writes, all decent parents want to do whats best for their children. It's just their idea


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