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Redgate Case Study

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It is evident that the high level of empowerment has been achieved, as a result of Redgate’s flat organisational structure and unique job design which allows them to motivate their employees in such a way, which gives them the autonomy within their role to manage teams and themselves.

Empowerment leads on to intrinsic motivation, which occurs when an employee is self-motivated to engage in activities as a result of the satisfaction obtained from carrying out that particular task. It is evident from Redgate’s core values that they motivate their employees using intrinsic techniques. It has to be said that not every employee is motivated in the same way, and intrinsic techniques do not have the same effect on each employee. At Redgate, a number of extrinsic techniques are used to compliment intrinsic techniques. Profit at Redgate is shared between employees as a reward for hard work. In addition, employees are extrinsically rewarded for their hard work with shopping vouchers, where they travel as a group to make purchases as they wish.

Two main theories exist in relation to motivation; ‘content theories that are based on drives and needs’ and process theories that focus on ‘how we make choices with respect to goals’ (Andrzej Hucynski, David Buchachan, 2013, p. 306). In relation to Redgate, a content theory such as McCellend’s theory of needs (1988) can be applied.

David McCellend and his associates proposed the three needs theory, which states three acquired needs are major motives in work, including; need for achievement, need for power and need for affiliation. (Robbins, DeCenzo and Coulter, 2015) The need for achievement can be clearly seen within Redgate as their employees are described as ‘bunch of talented, intelligent people, all of whom just want to do the right thing.’ (Redgate, 2015) Subsequently, employees at Redgate have the need for power, as they possess the autonomy to be responsible for their own work, in essence, they have a large say on how the business operates; this has a huge motivational impact.

It is also clear that the final need of Mc Cellends’s theory is present at Redgate; the need for affiliation, which can be defined as ‘the desire for close and friendly relationships’ (Robbins, DeCenzo and Coulter, 2015). Company social events, team days out and the annual Redgate day out all reflect this need for affiliation. In addition, the company culture at Redgate focusses highly on affiliation, with managers promoting healthy relationships, and getting to know their staff personally, even from the early stages of recruitment.

Lastly, a process theory, which ‘focusses on how we make choices in respect to goals’ (Andrzej Hucynski, David Buchachan, 2013) that could be applied to Redgate, is that of Vroom’s Expectancy theory. Three concepts make the basis of the theory, which consist of the following; valence, instrumentality and expectancy. The motivation of Redgate’s employees can be achieved by having a set goal, which will be achieved through hard work; this is in relation to the expectancy basis of the theory in question. On completion of the goal, the employees will know that a reward awaits them, of which could be consisted of intrinsic factors, such as satisfaction of completing the work or extrinsic factors such as a bonus, this is in relation to instrumentality.

3.0 Conclusions

It is evident that the strong culture at Redgate clearly contributes to the success of the company. Motivation at the organisation is based highly on empowerment and employees are allowed to work without fear of punishment from management. Recruitment plays a huge part of the company’s success as the selection process is designed to recruit like-minded people who also believe in the company’s beliefs and values. The strength of the culture empowers employees to use their creativity and innovation to create amazing products.

The culture and motivation at Redgate are highly related and have close links. Without one or the other the organisation would not function in the same way. The business has adopted a unique way of operation and used it to their advantage to ship high class software. Motivation by means of empowerment is an integral part of Redgate’s structure, whereas their leadership is shared throughout the whole company. If the culture, motivation or empowerment were missing from the company, Redgate would not be a successful company.

4.0 References

Andrzej Hucynski, David Buchachan, 2013. Organisational Behaviour. In: s.l.:s.n., p. 114.

Andrzej Hucynski, David Buchachan, 2013. Organisational Behaviour. In: s.l.:s.n., p. 306.

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