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Customer Satisfaction Level for Food and Services Provided by McDonald

Autor:   •  January 16, 2018  •  6,975 Words (28 Pages)  •  1,033 Views

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Figure-5; Money spent on per visit……………………………………...…………………………20

Figure-6: Customer’s opinions for important of customer satisfaction………………….…….21

Figure-7: important factors in customer decision making……………………………….………21

Figure-8; Customer most frequently visited restaurants list………………………………….…22

Figure-9: Rate for McDonald Menu…………………………………………………………….…23

Figure-10: Rate for variety of food on offer……………………………………………………….23

Figure-11: Do customer consider the foods are delicious……………………………….……...24

Figure-12: customer satisfaction for foods that provided by McDonald………………………25

Figure-13: finding seat in McDonald………………………………………………………………25

Figure-14; Cleanliness of restaurant………………………………………………………………26

Figure-15: Waiting time………………………………………………………………………….….27

Figure-16: well presenting of staff……………………………………………………………...28

Figure-17; Helpful and patient of staff…………………………………………………………….28

Figure-18: Satisfaction rate for customer service, Opening hour and Price for McDonald….29


1: Critiquing the Literature/ Academic Paper

A literature review uses as its database reports of primary or original scholarship, and does not report new primary scholarship itself. The primary reports used in the literature may be verbal, but in the vast majority of cases reports are written documents. The types of scholarship may be empirical, theoretical, critical analytic, or methodological in nature. Second a literature review seeks to describe, summarize, evaluate, clarify and or integrate the content of primary reports (Cooper, 1988).

The literature review is one important part of the research because it can provide the achievements of the study objectives and supply a solid background to back one’s investigation. The literature reviews help the researcher to avoid duplication and show where the existing body of knowledge (Wanjohi, 2012).

The researcher chose The impact of brand image, customer loyalty with customer satisfaction as a mediator in McDonald Journal for critiquing literature review. This paper is written by Fransisca Andreani,Tan Lucy Taniaji and Ruth Natalia Made Puspitasari and published at Journal Manajeman Dan Kewirausahan, Vol 14, No.1, March 2012. The paper examined the impact of McDonald’s brand image towards customer loyalty with customer satisfaction. Author used descriptive and Partial Least Square (PLS) analyses and the results are shown with hypotheses.

The selected paper gives relevant information to the researcher who trying to find out the current customer satisfaction rate for fast food restaurant especially focused in McDonald. The data collected from selected paper will help the researcher to know about earlier period of customer satisfaction rate of McDonald and impact of customer satisfaction towards customer loyalty.

The research objectives of selected paper are similar to the current research objectives i.e. to find out the customer satisfaction rate for food and services provided by McDonald.


Précis or summary of the paper

This paper is aim to examine the impact of brand image, customer loyalty with customer satisfaction as a mediator in McDonald. The researchers from previous paper try to analyze the influence of brand image to customer loyalty in McDonald’s Surabaya by using customer satisfaction rate.

The researcher explains how to build strong brand image by using various references to support his ideal. And highlight about the strong brand image can lead to customer loyalty and customer satisfaction is the most importance factor to build the strong brand name.

The author explained about data analysis he used very well with strong references and secondary data sources. Then he approved the results are validity and reliability by using SPSS program and then he used hypotheses testing to find out the requirements and give suggestion to McDonald.

1.2 Main Critique

The selected report is written by Fransisca Andreani, Tan Lucy Taniaji and Ruth Natalia Made Puspitasari under the title of The impact of Brand Image, Customer Loyalty with Customer Satisfaction as a Mediator in McDonald. It was published in Jurnal Manajeman Dan Kewirausahaan, Vol 14, No.1, Mach 2012. The objective of the paper is to examine the impact of McDonald’s brand image towards customer loyalty with customer satisfaction as a mediator. Andrean used descriptive and Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis and the results are showed with three hypotheses.

The author’s research is easy to understand and follow. At abstract, the author explained about the objective of the doing research and the research techniques that the author will be used. And then the author introduced about the McDonald and explain about the strategy to maintain its brand image. Continuously, the author examined about a lot of ways to make customer satisfaction and become loyal. After that the author described about the research method that will be used and data analysis technique. Results and discussion are presented before recommendation.

The author provides enough overview of relevant literature for his research. He clearly explained about the importance of customer satisfaction and building a strong brand name. He pointed out many definitions related to his topic and took reference form different authors and then mashed together to get strong background for his research. According to Andreani, building a positive brand image can influence repeat


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