Customer Satisfaction Is a Term Frequently Used in Marketing.
Autor: Sree Venkatesh • March 20, 2019 • Study Guide • 6,185 Words (25 Pages) • 2,053 Views
"The sea of change can pull customers in many directions. It is our responsibility to light the way and take care of them before the competition does".
Customer satisfaction is a term frequently used in marketing. It is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. Customer satisfaction is defined as "The number of customers or percentage of total customers, whose reported experience with a firm, its products, or its services (rating) exceeds specified satisfaction goals".
Customer satisfaction should paramount for any firms marketing strategy. It is through satisfaction of customers that firms remain afloat and prosper. Customers have become an important part of any firm especially those in retail sector and many researchers have also placed emphasis on the importance of customers. Customer is the king of the market. So every company should treat the customers as a king, otherwise they will lose their existence in the market. Customers are satisfied when their expectations are met. Satisfied customers remain loyal longer, buy more, are less sensitive and talk favorable about the company.
"Within organization, customer's satisfaction rating can have powerful effects. They focus employees on the importance of fulfilling customer's expectations. Furthermore, when these ratings dip, they warn of problems that can affect the sales and profitability. When a brand has loyal customers, its gains positive word-of-mouth marketing, this is free and highly effective."Therefore, it is essential for business to effectively manage customer satisfaction. To be able to do this, firms need reliable and representative measures of satisfaction.
In this present world each and every individual is a customer. The meaning of customer satisfaction has been commonly disputed as companies progressively attempt to review it. Customer satisfaction can be experienced in a wide range of circumstances and linked with both products and solutions. It is a highly individual evaluation that is significantly affected by customer expectations. Satisfaction also is based on the client’s encounter of both get in touch with the company and individual result. Customer fulfillment varies with regards to the situation and the products or solution.
The following objectives are carried out the study
1. To study the satisfaction level of the customers with regard to the services provided by the company.
2. To know the customer preferences towards Planet Green outdoor solutions Pvt. Ltd.
3. To understand the satisfaction of customers towards the price and quality.
Business survives only because of the customers. But still organization’s fails to meet the customer’s satisfaction. Planet Green outdoor solutions Pvt. Ltd. being a customer oriented firm having a wide range of products triggers the problem of customer satisfaction. This makes our topic customer satisfaction relevant in the present world as well as to the company.
Business stays alive only because of the customer. This force the business to step inside their customer and make customer’s wish satisfied at its best. Business needs to take maximum effort to make their customer’s fully satisfied. But due to some factors firms struggles to meet this aspect. Here our study will enable planet green outdoor solutions Pvt. Ltd. to know about their customer’s satisfaction and will help them to make corrective action.
Customers are the king for a business. Knowing customers safisfaction level and their preference is very important for the success of a business.The present study is conducted in planet green outdoor solutions Pvt. Ltd. at kadavanthra, presently we choose customers of the organization, from which we have chosen customers as samples, which consists of 50 respondents. So the scope of our study is limited to this particular company.
To fulfill the objectives of study, primary and secondary data were collected.
Primary data was collected from the selected customers of planet green outdoor solutions Pvt. Ltd. through questionnaires, for that 50 customers were taken as sample.
The secondary data which strengthened the theoretical framework of the study were collected from the company's article obtained from internet, websites, reports, journals, etc. from the organization. This data are those which have already been collected by some other person for this purpose and published.
The tools used for analyzing the data are :-
1. Tables
2. Pie diagram
3. Simple Percentage Method
Among the total population, 50 customers are selected from planet green outdoor solutions Pvt. Ltd., kadavanthra branch.
1. This study is limited to planet green outdoor solutions Pvt. Ltd.
2. We take only a sample of 50 customers. It does not ensure proportionate representation to all consistent group of population.
3. Due to lack of interest, some questions were unanswered.
4. Time factor is a limitation of the study.
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