Customer Satisfaction Level of Banglalink
Autor: Joshua • January 23, 2019 • 2,294 Words (10 Pages) • 1,017 Views
- Research Methodology –
- Methods of research used –
This study address a descriptive research on customer satisfaction level of mobile operator company “Banglalink”. Researcher used both primary and secondary methods to collect information. After doing the literature review, survey methodology was done. The survey was based on wide range of demography, later on to speculate the satisfaction level of Bangalink consumer various question was asked based on feeling and preference.
According to the survey, the maximum number of respondents were between the age group of 15-30 with around 80% of male and 20% of female who were mostly students, business owners and employees. Moreover, most of the consumers were very much satisfied with the service of Banglalink provides. While many loyal customers were found who would not switch from Banglalink because of their ‘priyojon’ program which provides value added services to their loyal customers.The researcher used non-parametric scale (Nominal, Ordinal) for survey questionnaire. Along with it Likert Scale was also used to indicate level of significance.
3.2 Respondents and sampling procedure-
As our population we chose users from age of 15-60 years. Due to time constraint and considered both male and female from the selected age group we took respondents from Dhaka region for sampling. We approached to our friends and family whose are currently using Bangla link and also to get the insight we talked with Md. Kaisar Ahmed who is currently working in Banglalink. This wide range of variety in ages, education levels, occupation helped us to get unbiased information.
3.3 Research Instruments/ Questionnaire-
Besides Likert scale the researchers also used Simple Attitude Scaling in which an individual agree with a statement or respond to a single question like the respondents chose any of the two categories- Yes or No for some of the questions in the survey. The researchers used Numeric scale where scales have numbers as response options, rather than “semantic space’ or verbal descriptions, to identify categories (response positions). They used Stapel Scales too where single adjective like refreshed, happy were used to measure their perception and satisfaction level.
3.4 Collection of Data-
The researcher used both primary and secondary data for this research purpose. Primary data was first collected by conducting interview with the experts. We took interview from Kaiser Ahmed who is currently working for Banglalink. Then a survey questionnaire was prepared for 50 respondents to analyze their knowledge, perception and attachment towards Nescafe. Prepared questionnaire was distributed to the randomly selected customers and their views were recorded. The questionnaire was distributed by Gmail and Facebook. Even many respondents were personally and directly approached by the researchers. Among the respondents many were students, employers, service-holders, housewives and fresh graduates. Secondary data was collected from the official website of Banglalink and other online sources were used to collect journal article on Banglalink.
3.5 Statistical treatment of Data
Based on the survey research techniques, the resulting model was evaluated for accuracy and validity by using statistical tools. The researchers used SPSS as statistical tools to furnish the data input and analysis. Through the SPSS arithmetic mean, standard deviation and reliability analysis has been done.
4. Presentation of data and critical discussion of results
This part will includes the data analysis and discussion of primary data that we get from our survey of “customer satisfaction level of “Banglalink”. There are various statistical tools, for example: SPSS, AMOS, LISREL, PLS and so on. Among them our analysis of survey questionnaire has done by SPSS. Here the analysis is focused more on five survey questions out of fifteen questions from age group, consumer’s awareness of our product, choice, and their satisfaction level.
Descriptive analysis –
Descriptive Statistics
Std. Deviation
In which age range you belong to?
Valid N (listwise)
Descriptive Statistics
Std. Deviation
Your gender is
Valid N (list wise)
Descriptive Statistics
Std. Deviation
What is your occupation?
Valid N (list wise)
Descriptive Statistics