Projects in the News
Autor: Joshua • May 24, 2018 • 1,137 Words (5 Pages) • 882 Views
Although I only take some industries as examples, there are still enough evidences to prove the efficiency and the benefits improvement of project management techniques. Well understanding and application of project lifecycle helps a lot for organizations to track and expect better results of projects. I totally support the desirability of using formal project management techniques when develop and execute a project.
Summary or Conclusions (second level heading)
Citation software EndNote is used for this paper, since it is powerful and easy learning. The project about the rehabilitation of 162-unit Quincy Tower is considered as a project because it is a temporary work with less than 14 months and delivers the improvement of the building. On the position on supporting the use of formal project management techniques, the article analyzes and identifies the applications and benefits in different industries.
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