Impact of Misinformation and Misunderstanding on Organisations and Individuals
Autor: Rachel • December 6, 2017 • 2,416 Words (10 Pages) • 702 Views
How societies, organizations and countries interpret data, information and knowledge
- How the society, organizations and countries interpret data, information and knowledge is important for human development. The known data, information and knowledge definitions are:
Data: is Facts and figures which relay something specific, but which are not organized in any way and which provide no further information regarding patterns, context, "unstructured facts and figures that have the least impact on the typical manager."
Information: is for data to become information, it must be contextualized, categorized, calculated and condensed. Information thus paints a bigger picture; it is data with relevance and purpose. It may convey a trend in the environment, or perhaps indicate a pattern of sales for a given period of time. Essentially information is found "in answers to questions that begin with such words as who, what, where, when, and how many" .IT is usually invaluable in the capacity of turning data into information, particularly in larger firms that generate large amounts of data across multiple departments and functions. The human brain is mainly needed to assist in contextualization.
Knowledge: Knowledge is closely linked to doing and implies know-how and understanding. The knowledge possessed by each individual is a product of his experience, and encompasses the norms by which he evaluates new inputs from his surroundings. Gamble and Blackwell (2001),
"Knowledge is a fluid mix of framed experience, values, contextual information, expert insight, and grounded intuition that provides an environment and framework for evaluating and incorporating new experiences and information. It originates and is applied in the mind of the knower’s. In organizations it often becomes embedded not only in documents or repositories, but also in organizational routines, practices and norms.
- Similarly the known and experienced biases in the world are
Explicit bias
Implicit bias
Case of Space Shuttle Columbia and the Challenger Tragedy
(How Developed Countries Evaluate Their Human Development)
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- “How groupthink led to conflict in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), with a focus on the Challenger and Columbia shuttle tragedies. Although there were technical causes of the accidents, there are deeper root causes that constitute a recurring thread. Continuous successful key events in NASA history is provided to build an appreciation for the management culture at NASA. This ultimately led to groupthink. This conflict-related behavior was identified as one of the root causes for both shuttle crashes.
Throughout NASA'S history, and like many other project base companies there have been budgetary and scheduling constraints. In an attempt to meet these externally imposed restrictions; management has unconsciously and repeatedly fallen into the psychological tendencies of groupthink. A bulletproof attitude amongst NASA officials was a direct cause of the challenger accident”
ROBERT D. DIMITROFF, ChevronTexaco, LU ANN SCHMIDT, Exxon Mobil Global Services Company, TIMOTHY D. BOND, Transportation Industry Manufacturer
- In management this phenomenon is called “Escalation of Commitment” an increased commitment to a previous decision despite evidence that it may have been wrong. Because they don’t want to admit that their initial decision may have been flawed. Rather than search of new alternatives, they simply increase their commitment to the original one
The Strategic Resource Management Is the Need of Pakistan?
- Therefore, Human resource concept starts from our DNA, genome, Proteins, mother’s womb, individual’ home, society, organizations and treatment of laws. Science is proved that DNA can be re programmed by words and frequencies.
- As per my observation an average professional has 75 years of life cycle in Pakistan and spend his/her life as per the following pie chart.
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- Our 34% of life spent while studying or working and has direct impact on 66% of other life issues. As per Pakistan Academy of Letters (PAL) our recognized languages include Urdu, English, Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto, Balochi, Brahvi,Seraiki, Hindko, Sheena, Balti, Khawar and Kashmiri. Similarly we have multicultural histories. I especially presented a known game on perception with my Pakistani HR colleagues (belong to different native language, culture and organizations) by asking them ignore the alphabet and shoot the color.
- All are working, heading good public and non public sectors and we all found that we are suffering from automatic processing while assessing anything around us. Pakistan is the country in which university level literacy rate is 5 %. Where we could rate our self in good human resource management? What will be the research and scientific approach and where law stands? How the words and frequencies could do the magic in these situations. The same fact has been emphasized by Prof Muhammad Iqbal Chaudhary (professor of organic chemistry) in his lecture Pakistan can promote scientific research for human development that “1,400 new medicines introduced in the past 25 years, only 14 were for tropical diseases (afflicting poorest of the poor).The yearly research expenditure of developed states was 220 times greater than developing countries. Progress is no more considered development of concrete infrastructures but rather development of human resources that can do wonders. Someone sitting in a developed world to take control of affairs in another