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Perceived Impact of Asean Integration

Autor:   •  September 13, 2017  •  8,180 Words (33 Pages)  •  862 Views

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This is a study describing the perceived impact of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Integration to career development factors such as earnings and security, work attributes, job value and identity and job satisfaction factors. This study involved 192 University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV) Graduate School Students. This study showed that that the perceived impact of ASEAN Integration to Career Development of UPV Graduate School students is generally favorable.


ASEAN Integration, University of the Philippines Visayas, Perceived Impact,

Career Development


1.1 Background of the Study

In December 2015 the ASEAN Economic Community was aimed to be fully established through the process of integration. This was a product of various and successive declarations and agreements between the ASEAN member states. The AEC is one of the three pillars of the ASEAN Integration, it aims to "implement economic integration initiatives" to create a single market across ASEAN nations.. (ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint, 2008)

The ASEAN Economic Community is the goal of regional economic integration by 2015. Its characteristics include: (1) a single market and production base, (2) a highly competitive economic region, (3) a region of fair economic development, and (4) a region fully integrated into the global economy. The areas of co-operation include human resources development; recognition of professional qualifications; closer consultation on macroeconomic and financial policies; trade financing measures; enhanced infrastructure and communications connectivity; development of electronic transactions through e-ASEAN; integrating industries across the region to promote regional sourcing; and enhancing private sector involvement. Through the free movement of skilled labor, goods, services and investment, ASEAN will rise globally as one market with each member gaining from each other's strengths, thus increasing its competitiveness and opportunities for development (Maralili, 2013)

An important part of the ASEAN Community vision is the establishment of a globally integrated and competitive single market and production base, built on the principles of equitable economic development and shared prosperity, through the ASEAN Economic Community. (ASEAN Charter, 2008)

In 2016 Filipinos can freely move for work anywhere in the nine (9) countries that comprise the Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN. Indonesians, Malaysians, Singaporeans, Bruneians, Myanmar, Cambodians, Vietnamese, Laotians can also do the same in the Philippines. By the end of 2015, the ASEAN Economic Community, as envisioned by ASEAN leaders in 2007, formally came to being, ushering in a region with a single market and production base characterized by free flow of goods, free flow of services, free flow of investment, freer flow of capital, and free flow of skilled labor. Like other ASEAN peoples, Filipinos, can now become more mobile across this regional economy. (Riguer, 2012)

In an interview, UP University of the Philippines President said that “With economic integration, the expectation is that the expectation is that the ten ASEAN countries will become globally competitive as a group and be better able to achieve equitable economic development across region. In support of integration, we will see efforts at facilitating the free flow of goods, services, investment, and capital and free movement of business persons and skilled labor including professionals. (UP Forum, 2014)

With the Philippines' integration into the AEC, a study said that labor migration would continue to increase. “Labour migration, particularly for low and medium-skilled workers, requires collective regional action to safeguard the rights of migrant workers, extend the coverage and portability of social security, and expand mutual skills recognition,” (Marcelo 2014)

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study was to describe the perceived impact of ASEAN Integration on career development of University of the Philippines – Visayas Graduate School Students 2nd Trimester Academic Year 2014-2015.

Specifically, the study aimed to determine the following:

- The socio-demographic profile of the respondents.

- The extent of general awareness of the implementation of ASEAN Integration.

- The perceived impact of ASEAN Integration on career development of UP-Visayas Graduate School Students in terms of earnings & security; work attributes; values & identity; and job satisfaction factors.

- Significant difference of perceived impact to career development if respondents are group according to colleges enrolled to; field of professional practice; years of professional practice; and job position level.

1.3 Hypothesis

The following null hypothesis was formulated:

- The is no significant difference in the perceived impact of ASEAN Integration of University of the Philippines Visayas Graduate School Students when they are group according to the colleges they enrolled to; field of professional practice; years of professional practice; and job position level.

1.4 Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study was focused on describing the perceived impact of ASEAN Integration on career development of University of the Philippines Visayas Graduate School Students 2nd Trimester Academic Year 2014-2015.

Given the restricted time for research purposes, the study was conducted within 3 months during which data collection, analysis and interpretation will be undertaken.

1.5 Conceptual and Operational Framework

This framework is composed of three variables, namely: 1) a set of independent variables, which are the socio-demographic profile of graduate school student; 2) an intervening variable; 3) a set of dependent variables identified as career development criteria.

The model suggests that in this study, the researchers identified four (4) important socio-demographic characteristics that capture the essence of a graduate school student. These are graduate school program enrolled, field of professional practice, years of professional practice and position


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