Darfur Genocide Annotated Bibliographies
Autor: Joshua • April 27, 2018 • 2,053 Words (9 Pages) • 803 Views
and displaced millions of people towards Chad. In 2004 these actions were recognized as a genocide by the United Nations at the Genocide Convention; the United Nations and African Union then sought after setting acts to stop the violence. In 2009 the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant to the President Omar for campaigning mass killings and rape. In 2011 South Sudan became the world’s newest countries creating a giant step towards ending the violence in Sudan, however the citizens of Sudan are still in danger by the systematic violence against the many ethnic groups.
The website is ran by the Holocaust Museum Houston whom’s motive is for purely educating people on the tragedies that have been taking place all over the world and use them to teach dangers of prejudice and hatred. This article cites their sources which includes “Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction” written by political scientist from The University of British Columbia, author Adam Jones; and also uses websites such as the GenocideInterventionNetwork.net and SaveDarfur.org. This article and website were last updated in January 2016 and have the most recent update on this article.
This article has given me information that can help with my research paper overall. More specifically help write my paragraphs on who conducted the genocide and who was systematically targeted. The source provided information on the separation of muslim groups based on the ethnicity difference between Arab muslims and African muslims, and how the government helped the Arab militias attack.
Kumar, Akshaya. "Darfur, the Genocide America Forgot." Darfur, the Genocide America Forgot. Aljazeera America, 18 Apr. 2014. Web. 29 Feb. 2016.
In 2014 the Janjaweed militias Sudanese paramilitary forces razed 127 empty villages in Darfur which was their second attack in the same area within months. Soon after the United Nations and U.S. Congress stated that this was a genocide the Sudanese government claims that this is a “driven by spontaneous inter tribal skirmishes in a lawless area where the state has been forced to wage a counterinsurgency campaign.” However activists have still been systematically targeting Fur, Zaghawa and Masalit communities while Arab villages had remained with no harm done to them. There are still attacks on certain ethnic groups in Darfur a decade after this has started even though there were several systems launched to help his problem. The Janjaweed groups that attacked are still viciously hurting other but still are being helped by the Sudanese government; they gave these militias special identification cards named “Rapid Support Forces”.
Akshaya Kumar is a policy analyst at the Washington, D.C. that coordinates with the Satellite Sentinel program. This program is organization launched by George Clooney and John Prendergast which it’s purpose is to use satellites to watch and monitor the violence in Sudan, and promote world attention on problems in the world. The DigitalGlobe focuses on passing satellites over Sudan and South Sudan which are used an evidence of war crimes against humanity. This source’s information includes recent events from 2014 in the on going dispute in Darfur.
This article has given me crucial facts that will help me write most of my research paper. The author included statistics that will contribute to the conclusion of my paper. This source also gave me an insight on how the Sudanese government is still helping the Janjaweeds attack villages, and who they are systematically going after.
The United Human Rights Committee. "United Human Rights Council." United Human Rights Council. Armenian Youth Federation - Western United States, 2016. Web. 24 Feb. 2016.
On the website unitedhumanrights.org the article Genocide in Darfur examines how the different groups in Sudan collided which lead to the begining of this tragedy. In 2003, Sudan Africa, two rebel groups called the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) went up to the Sudan government and complained about the marginalization of the area and the failure to protect sedentary people from attacks by nomads. The Sudanese government did not like this so they decided to release Arab Militias known as the Janjaweeds to attack hundreds of villages throughout Darfur. During this time over 400 villages were destroyed, 400,000 people were murdered, and over 2.5 million people were displaced around nearby regions or went to other parts in Africa. However the government in Sudan still dispute these numbers, deny allegations of them being connected with the Janjaweeds, and refuse to cooperate with investigations. These investigations were launched in June 2005 by the International Criminal Court (ICC) who took the first step to solve this problem. Recently in 2009 was indicted by the ICC for having a campaign about of mass killing, rape, and pillage against civilians in Darfur. Still to this day an estimated 2.7 million people are still in refugee camps and 4.7 million Darfuris rely on getting aid.
This article, “Genocide in Darfur” on Unitedhumanrights.org, is entirely is a reliable source. This article has been recently updated this year and continues to add more updates on this situation. The website is ran by The United Human Rights Council who work towards exposing and helping straighten out human rights violations of governments worldwide, and aims to collaborate with people that share this vision in helping correct the wrong that are committed. The UHRC is a group of concerned citizens from diverse spectrums and members of various communities; especially organizations and students of colleges. They’re in collaboration with Armenian Youth Federation - Western United States to advance human rights goals and raise awareness through community outreach, boycotts, and education. Their main purpose is to educate people on the horrendous situations that have happened in the past.
This article elements that can contribute to my genocide research paper on giving background information. I learned how the war began because two groups of people confronted the government about them not giving enough protection to the citizens and how the janjaweeds attack over 400 villages in Darfur. This source also gives great example on more recent news and the actions that have taken place to solve this problem. Therefore