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Common Sense Is Neither Common nor Sense - Annotated Bibliography

Autor:   •  February 19, 2018  •  749 Words (3 Pages)  •  650 Views

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“Study: Hands-on projects may be best way to teach engineering and technology.” Purdue University, 28 January 2009, Accessed 3 August 2016.

This web article was written based on the findings of a study completed by Purdue University. The study reported that hands on projects help students fully grasp engineering and technology lessons. The study reveals that students acquire a deeper understanding of their teachings if they additionally performed what they were taught. The assistant dean for strategic planning in the College of Technology lead the study created by three graduate students in science, engineering, and education. She said more studies are needed to see how well students retain the information taught with hands-on education s and how often students need to participate in them to benefit. I feel that the information presented in this article is reliable because the results were also published in an edition of the International Journal of Engineering Education. The theory was tested and proven that hands on learning was better than traditional methods that don't involve practical application.

Ritter, Bruce A. "Rise of the Millenials: Why They Know So Much...Yet Understand So Little." The Real Truth, Accessed 3 August 2016.

I gathered most of my information for my speech from this webpage and found the material to be well founded. Much of what was written in the article I know to be true based on my experience growing up as a millenial. The online article was published byThe Real Truth, a magazine produced by The Restored Church of God. They commission to teach the full truth to "all nations." They are a neutral source which doesnt take a political position, nor side with or against governments or leaders. The article coincided with facts obtained from the above articles I cited. I think this page was formatted well and easy to follow. The information was both valid relevant to my speech. I am confident of the validity of the article.


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