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Should the Ncaa Pay Student Athletes Anonnated Bibliography

Autor:   •  March 22, 2018  •  2,236 Words (9 Pages)  •  846 Views

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The article relates to the topic because it is not a bias article and it does not only give you one argument on the matter. It gives two very valid arguments for this research topic, it describes why student athletes should get paid and also why they should not. Both arguments make good points and they both have good counter arguments. This is a credible source as it was found through the search engine of the USF library system and it is a peer reviewed article. It was also written by Horace Mitchel the president of Cal State and a NCAA Division I board directors, and by Marc Edelman a law professor.

David Iaconangelo, Staff. "Is a new era for college-athlete compensation on the horizon?." Christian Science Monitor 04 Oct. 2016: N.PAG. Publisher Provided Full Text Searching File. Web. 5 Feb. 2017.

The Article “Is a new era for college-athlete compensation on the horizon?” describes some of the legal aspect of the research topic. It states how the NCAA is violating antitrust laws “by barring athletes from claiming compensation for the use of their image, names, and likenesses”. It also states that the NCAA lost an antitrust lawsuit, and it was the first lawsuit they lost about the student athlete compensation issue. The NCAA legal argument about this issue is “that amateurism is foundational to college sports.” This article also describes how the northwestern football team was trying to form a labor union because they were spending over 60 hours a week on football related activity, which was shut down by the National Labor Relations Board due to the fact that “its impact on college sports would not serve to promote stability in labor relations”, and this was a setback for student athletes trying to change the NCAA system.

This article is relevant to the research topic because it dives into some of the legal aspect of it. It describes the type of lawsuits that have been filed against the NCAA, and the NCAA arguments against those lawsuits. It also describes the O’Bannon lawsuit which was one of the very first antitrust law suits against the NCAA. This is a credible source as it was found through the search engine of the USF library system and it is a peer reviewed article. It was also written for the Christian Science Monitor, which is an international news organization.

III, William W. Berry. "Educating Athletes Re-Envisioning The Student-Athlete Model." Tennessee Law Review 81.(2014): 795. LexisNexis Academic: Law Reviews. Web. 19 Feb. 2017.

The article “Educating Athletes Re-Envisioning The Student Athlete Model” is about how the NCAA should re-design its current student athlete model. Especially focusing on educating the student athletes in order to improve educational outcomes at the end of their collegiate careers. It talks about how the current model operates off of revenue, and how in this model schools are competing to recruit the best players so they can become that top school and get more TV time. Because of this schools spend a lot of time, money, and resources on charming the top high school recruits, by trying to upgrade their facilities so they are better than other schools as the author states “And the pressure to recruit has led to a facilities “arms-race” among universities”. It also goes into detail on how the current model could jeopardize a student athlete academics for various reasons including the pressure of eligibility requirements on a student athlete, heavy reliance on tutors, athletic participation requirements that beat an average full time job, and academic fraud. In the new model proposal the article describes, it would focus on education, proposing a “Mandate six year scholarship for revenue generating sports”, a reduction of courses during in-season semester, and to reduce the college basketball season to one semester.

This article fits the research topic for various reasons. This topic will examine how college sports generate revenue for NCAA and this article analyses the current structure of the NCAA and how it focuses generating profits. The article also argues that there is a better model for the NCAA to follow that will benefit student athletes, and it would give them the most opportunity to get a good quality education, and this an issue that the topic covers. This source is credible as it was found through the USF library services and it’s a peer review article. The author of this article is a law professor at the University of Mississippi and has written for various law journals around the country.

Ingersoll, Mike. "Amateurism And The Modern College Athlete." Elon Law Review 7.2 (2015): 607-635. Index to Legal Periodicals & Books Full Text (H.W. Wilson). Web. 19 Feb. 2017.

The article “Amatuerism And The Modern College Athlete” is about how the argument of the NCAA on not paying student athletes is invalid. It describes how the NCAA amateurism rule can’t be applicable to division I student athletes for multiple reasons including how Athletes are stars in the local area where they get free drinks and food at bars and restaurant just because they play for a particular institution. Other reasons this article states are that student athletes play in front of thousands of people in huge stadiums while being broadcasted on TV and also have cutting edge training facilities. The article also describes how most of the time spent in a day by a student athlete is related to their respective sports and how little time is dedicated to school, as the author states that time spent on sport activities “exceeds 40 hours”. This article also describes how sports scholarships are in all actuality contracts between the universities and the athletes, as the article states that the scholarships are “one year renewable at discretion of the coaching staff, and are contingent upon the athlete performing in a way it benefits the school.” It also goes into detail about how some basketball players are worth more than $100,000 to universities, but the scholarships they receive fall short of that amount.

The article is relatable to the research topic because it covers issues that the research paper will be analyzing and dissecting. The issue of the core values that the NCAA states they follow but this article contradicts them, legal issues, and how the “student” in student athlete should be the second word after Athlete. It covers these issues by describing a student athlete schedule, arguing weather or not a sports a scholarship is truly a scholarship and not a contract, and how much some division I basketball players are worth. This source is credible as it was found through the USF library services and it’s a peer review article. The article was written for Elon Law Review. The author, Mike Ingersoll,


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