A Case Study of a Non-Government Organization: The Council for The Welfare of Children
Autor: Tim • June 29, 2018 • 2,191 Words (9 Pages) • 888 Views
7. Open and free discussion and reporting of child rights violations involving media and civil society groups
There is a must for more adequate reporting of these cases; they have not been addressed as much as they did. This open discussion would be safeguarded, private, and will be observing confidentiality among its members until they have a solution to address the problem
8. Functional structures and systems for child rights promotion and child protection
The CFP-CPSC believes that effective implementation of structures and system would clearly delineate roles for the children.
9. Basic and essential services available and accessible to all without discrimination
10. Competent and responsive program managers, service providers and care givers
11. Monitoring and evaluation, reporting, research and knowledge management on children
Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program
In order to break the cycle of poverty in the Philippines, CWC created the program Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program in which favors the marginalized families in the Philippines. According to the Official Gazette “this program reduces the infant and child immorality, improves the maternal health, promotes gender equality, and enhances the family and community through the provision of conditional cash grants and conduct of family development sessions.” Helping alleviate the children from poverty and creating a better environment to those who are beneficiaries of this program. As of November 2014, the program serves a total of 4,478,562 households in 41,531 barangays in 144 cities, 1,484 municipalities in 80 provinces nationwide. The beneficiaries are aged from 0 to 18 years old and other pregnant members that are eligible for the program.
1 Million Lapis Culmination Project
Recently, they’ve had this project called 1 Million Lapis Culmination Project Culmination and the Guinness Book of World Record for the Longest Line of Pencils attempt. This was done by 2,500 children aged from 15-17 years old last November 5, 2016 at SM by the Bay. This campaign project would promote children’s rights to education. As CWC implies, the pencils are symbolized as the child’s tool for expression. These pencils would be benefitting the children who lack the privilege to go get a proper education. They also inform children their freedom in expressing ideas. Empowering the youth of today the power of education; some children do not get to experience this also because of the lack of materials in school. They are in cooperation with private business partners, National Government Agencies, and Non-Government Organizations.
There are a few ideas that I would like to present and suggest that the government must take into consideration. Some may be minor issues but the slightest change in a child’s present would help them create a better future and a better environment for them. Here are some issues and how it is suggested to be resolved:
Domestic Violence
Therefore there is a concrete move for the government with the help of the CWC in promoting child welfare development. The government must continually give their support among the Council for the Welfare of Children in order to foresee advancement in the future generation. There isn’t a recent study of the current status for the abused children in the Philippines but accordingly based on the PubMed.gov survey (2002) there are “1135 women and children victims of abuse” and some of the ones who make it out of this domestic abuse are in medical condition. One of the suggestions that I would like to propose for this matter would be creating a house bill that would promote proper discipline and would reduce violence within the household.
Sexual Abuse
According to Perez A. (2016) of CNN Philippines that “7 out of 10 rape victims are children”; One of the statements that expresses this sad reality would be “Despite more than 37 laws, executive and administrative orders pertaining to protect women and children, the victims of violence are getting younger and the abusers are becoming bolder and harsher” said Jojo Guan (2016), executive director of CWR. Some children at a young age are exposed to sexual abuse. Without knowledge of their own rights, these children are held against their will and scared of speaking out in fear of being punished or unloved. Some policies that would go against the rights of these children must be abolished.
Child Labor
“There are about 3.3 million out of 26.6 million children 5-17 years old were working children” said CWC. At an early age these children have their right to be able to participate in a child-friendly environment and should be provided to a proper education at these early stages of life. I would like to suggest that
According to Chan Robles Law Library, it is stated in Article 2 of the Child and Youth Code of the Philippines that “this code shall apply to persons below twenty-one years of age except those emancipated in accordance with law. “Child” or "minor" or "youth" as used in this Code, shall refer to such persons.” Therefore these children from 0-18 years old are right holders regardless of their color, region, and tribe roots; and, may be living in the marginalized sectors or may be economically stable are all considered as right holders and should be able to participate freely in every right they have. For children of today’s society would be the hope and future of tomorrow’s generation. I would like the government continuing to participate and be involved with what this organization has in store. I hope that they would collaborate to the enormous projects in coordination with the DSWD and NYC to help alleviate the Filipino children from further abuse, child labor, and violence. These problems would be brought to the open if it would be given enough exposure to the media and cyber space of today’s society creating a movement for children’s welfare. The media today plays an important role of today’s generation, if we continue to use this as a medium of creating a movement then this could open the minds of others and influence them to be a catalyst of change. All of this starts with the proper education of children’s rights, so therefore we must